Big Man on Berk

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything from How to train your dragon

Chapter 5: Big Man on Berk

Today, the Dragon Riders were flying above the ocean near Berk at the request of the Chief Stoick the Vast, concerning a problem with the Scauldron. "All right, gang, we'll buzz past the Scauldron and draw its attention." Hiccup said to the group.

"That way Astrid, Rae, Ruff and Tuff can net it from behind and drag it out to sea, got it?" Hicca finished.

"I still think we should blast it!" Tuffnut objected.

"Stoick just wants us to move the Scauldron out of Berk's fishing lanes." Astrid reminded the blonde male twin. "So don't get any crazy ideas."

"Uh, sorry. Crazy is what we do, Astrid." Ruffnut brought. "Duh!"

"Truthfully, crazy is what we all do." Raeda pointed out.

"You guys do realize that a Scauldron's hot water blast can rip the scales right off a Screaming Death?" Fishlegs reminded everyone, mainly the blonde twins.

A familiar roar caught everyone's attention before anyone could respond to Fishlegs.

"There it is. Let's focus, guys." Hiccup ordered, before he and his twin led the others to their target.

"As usual, nobody's listening to Fishlegs." Said boy muttered, as his Gronckle followed the others.

The dragons flew slowly and steadily behind the Scauldron, making sure not to alert it of their presence. Raeda, Astrid, Ruffnut and Tuffnut got the net open and ready to use to capture the sea dragon. Hiccup gave the signal to everyone to be ready and then counted down. "One..." Fishlegs suddenly gave a snort, as if he was about to sneeze. "Two..." Fishlegs gave a grunt, trying desperately to contain the sneeze but failing. "Three!"


Fishlegs sneezed causing him to accidently steer Meatlug in the wrong direction and bumped into Snotlout and Hookfang, pushing the boy off his dragon and into the net meant for the Scauldron.

"Help me!" Snotlout called from inside the net.

"That escalated much quicker than I thought it would." Hicca said sighing.

"Abort! Abort!" Hiccup called, while Toothless flew out of the way to avoid colliding into the boy and Gronckle duo who were flying uncontrollably due to the formers' sneezing. "Aah! Fishlegs!"

The four people carrying the net tried to fly their dragons out of there as fast as they could, which was a bit tough because they already flew close enough to the Scauldron, who is now giving them its full attention and definitely does not seem happy with their presence.

"Uhh! I knew I hated this mission." Snotlout complained, still in the nest and most vulnerable to a boiling water attack.

"Plasma blast, bud/girl." Hiccup and Hicca both said to their dragons. The Night Furies fired at the dragon, causing it to retreat underwater.

"Oh, I see how it is. You two are allowed to blast it." Tuffnut grumbled as the group headed back to Berk and come up with a new strategy.


Back on Berk, Henry and two of his dragons, sibling Sand Wraiths, Sandtrapper and Sandstorm, were walking in the plaza, back to the Academy after doing a quick perimeter check around Berk to see if there were any ships coming towards the island. It was highly unlikely that they would be able to find them all the way here, but Henry learned a long time ago not to get too confident.

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