Dragon Eye of the Beholder Part 2

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything from How to train your dragon

Chapter 2: Dragon Eye of the Beholder II

Previously: After three years, the Dragon Riders found Trader Johann adrift. They have discovered that Dagur the Deranged and the Berserkers escaped from the Outcast prison. Information from Trader Johann lead the riders to a ship yard. Unfortunately, they have been separated from their dragons, except for Toothless, after an encounter with giant eels. Hiccup, Hicca and Toothless then decide to explore the Reaper and there they find a mysterious cylindrical object. But trouble arises when they find Dagur the Deranged and the Berserkers having captured the other teens. Reluctantly, Hiccup gave up their new discovery and left Hicca to free the others as he and Toothless go after Dagur. But the Berserker chief has one more trick up his sleeve as he launched a boulder right at the where the others were!

Completely torn, Hiccup looked between the retreating Berserker ship, which has a potentially dangerous object in the hands of a deranged maniac, and the sinking ship, which has his sister and friends with no way to escape.

"Get us out of here!" Fishlegs pleaded over the gangs screaming.

"Hiccup!" Snotlout yelled.

"Get us out of here!" Ruffnut hollered.

Dagur gave a maniacal laugh, clearly enjoying himself more than he has in three years. "Isn't this exciting? What will he choose, ladies and gentlemen? Saving his twin and friends or capturing his mortal enemy, his brother?"

Having made his decision, Hiccup steered Toothless towards the Reaper.

"Hmm. Disappointing, but all-so-typically Hiccup." Dagur commented, feeling triumph.

As Hiccup and Toothless reach the ship, the teens trapped inside the cage shouts at him to help them, while Hicca tries to hang on from outside the cage.

"Sis, give me your hand!" Hiccup called to her, extending his own arm. Hicca reached out to grab it, when suddenly a giant eel surged out of the water and grab Hicca but her foot, pulling her into the water.

"HICCA!" Hiccup, Raeda and Astrid yelled.

"What is wrong with these eels?!" Snotlout yelled.

Toothless dived in after them but was stop when two more eels came after him. As much as the Night Fury wanted to save his human's sister, he knew he would be of no help if he ate another eel. Hicca was pulled underwater, much to her brothers' horror. Suddenly, a plasma blast erupted underwater and Hicca re-emerged in Midnights' paws.

"Oh thank goodness!" Hiccup said, sighing in relief, feeling some of the weight lifted from his shoulders.

"Woah, that was way too close." Fishlegs said, sighing in relief.

"We are never gonna be close to eel food again!" Raeda declared.

"Midnight, have I ever told you, you have the most amazing timing ever?" Hicca said to her dragon. The female Night Fury warbled and tossed her human back into her saddle.

"Hey, Hiccup? Now that your sister is alive and well, could you, oh I don't know, save us from the sinking ship?!" Snotlout demanded, which was backed up by pleas from the others.

Hiccup snapped back to action. "Okay, move back from the door!" The teens did as they were told. "Toothless, plasma blast." A second later the cage was blasted, but oddly enough, there wasn't even a scratch on the cage.

"Dragon-proof bars?" Fishlegs noted. "Oh, fascinating."

"Whoever built this ship really knew what they were doing." Hiccup commented.

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