December 7th

365 9 4

I slept in today, didn't wake up until around 1:03 pm—I enjoyed the extra sleep (I think), but my lack of ability to get up was proven to be a mistake. You see, I was meant to come back to ZiM's today.
He was expecting me 10:00 am at latest.
He's spent the last few years waiting for two people that will never come.
So, when I came a few hours late, of course he was a little more than pissed. He actually sat up, actually showed some sort of emotion, and started screaming at me crap about me wanting to abandon him on Earth too.

He went back to laying on the couch quietly the second I gave him another FunDip pouch.

I also got him a new sweater, since—for someone so clean—his clothes keep getting incredibly dirty. I wonder how that continues to happen, since he doesn't move from the couch all day? It's like the stains just summon onto the fabric out of pure sorrow.

Anyway, the sweater was pretty cool; it had a little alien head on it! ZiM didn't seem too interested in the design, and surely didn't care that it was way too oversized on him. If I'm being honest, he looked kinda cu⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️it. But I didn't say that.

Alright, it's time for

-he was a bit grumpy (well, grumpier than he always is) at me today...that's kinda my fault, but honestly, how was I suppose to know he'd react this way?
-he actually let me sit closer to him today. it was an interesting experience.
-he seemed to like the sweater! it looked like he was comfy
-the GIR shell hasn't been moved from its place.
-I wasn't allowed to move from my place; every time I shifted or went to sit up, I swear I could hear ZiM...growl? A little? Like when you get too close to a dog when it's in a bad mood?
-overall, ZiM is just terrified of being alone; that's what I'm getting from all this.

I know I've said this plenty of times already, but I do believe there's even more to it right now. Through the past couple days at ZiM's, I've been noticing some more...out of place things. I never bothered to write them down since they just seemed like subtle oddities that didn't matter, but I've been noticing so much that I now feel the need to:

-Why did the Tallest leave ZiM?
-How exactly is ZiM defective?
-How am I going to actually help ZiM?
-What does ZiM do during the day that somehow isn't getting caught on camera? (he'll have different marks...etc.)
-What's with all the broken machines around the house
-Where is Minimoose?
-Is my ship affected, too?

I plan on having every question answered by the end of the month... though, I'm not sure how much I'll actually follow through with. I'm not even sure if I'll have enough energy to help ZiM all month; though, I know if I don't help him, I'll feel bad. I already do.

Anyway, I'm gonna get up on time tomorrow—Gaz actually came home tonight. Y'know, if she keeps spending the night at people's houses and I don't wake up to an alarm, that might throw a bunch of stuff off. So, thank you in advance, Gaz.

God, reading back, this entry was all over the place today. I'm sorry for that—why am I sorry? I'm the only one reading these..!
...even in written form, I talk to myself.





S.A.D [ZaDr] - Invader ZiM Christmas AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora