✨🎄Christmas Day~ Karasuno🎄✨

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I was going to post this on Christmas but I don't wanna wait so y'all wait until it's Christmas to read this if ya want αиуωαууу~
Happy holidays everyone! If you don't celebrate Christmas I hope you are enjoying yourself still on this day with whatever you are doing🤍🌠
Ah Christmas Day
They day where people gather around a nice and warm fire and listen to Christmas carols while drinking some hot cocoa with their loved ones
That's how some people spend it
But not the karasuno volleyball team that is
(Oh boy I'm already annoyed with Noya and Tanaka cause Ik they gonna do something dumb
N: hey! You can't just do that in the beginning of the story
A: I will do what I please you little gremlin go back into the story
T: hey my bro is not a gremlin don't disrespect us like that!
A: what the- where did you come from?! Doesn't matter- if y'all thing 1 & 2 don't shut y'all asses up I will personally write about shoving a gingerbread head up your fucking a-)

Each player from karasuno had agreed on spending Christmas together this year just for the memories and because it would be fun to spend some quality time with one another

Right now everyone was in the gym on Christmas Eve finishing up practice

Daichi: Ok everyone huddle up!
Everyone got close to the captain and waited for the words they have been waiting for since they woke up
Daichi: Practice is over everyone get ready and meet at the gate of the school so we can all walk together

Everyone except salty bean poke and blueberry: HAI!
Everyone hurried in picking up their belongings and an extra bag full of clothes and other necessities they would need for this fun filled day (or maybe 2)

Hinata was jumping up and down in pure joy earning a few snickers from his hyperness
once he got all his things he dashed out wanting to be the first to get to the gate
Kageyama: Boke hinata boke! Wait for me!
Kageyama quickly grabbed all of his things and ran after hinata
Noya: don't forget about us!
Tanaka: we're coming our sweet kohai! (Don't know how to spell still 😔)

Everyone else let out a sigh
'This is going to be an interesting Christmas'

Once everyone had gotten all of their belongings and changed into some new clothes they all gathered closer to the captain to lead them the way to their destination
Daichi: ok everyone we're going to stop by Coach Ukai's store to grab some meat buns and some other things we will need
Everyone nodded their head and started walking in the direction of the store all following behind Daichi and Suga who were not so secretly flirting with each other

Once everyone arrived at Coach Ukai they greeted Coach Ukai and got some things for themselves while Suga and Daichi got things for themselves and things for everyone to enjoy (my mind went straight to the gutter and I really want to punch myself in the face for it) they payed for their things then left not before saying merry Christmas to their Coach

--time skip-- (they do a lot of walking let's just say)

When they finally arrived at the place it was a 2 story house painted white and grey since the sun was setting it made all the windows very clear to see and the inside looked nice even from outside
Daichi: alright everyone let's get our stuff inside!
Everyone gave a nod and rushed inside since it is still freezing cold out and there's snow

Once everyone had rushed in and taken off their coats and boots they walked in with their belongings and started looking around the house
When they first walked in there was wooden floors and marble looking walls, when they walked farther on one side there was the living room with a large grey sofa, a wooden coffee table, a fireplace and a TV right in view that was rather large
On the other side were two chair by the window looking out at a view of the sunset and a little set up of a pool table when they looked past that there was a kitchen with marble counter tops and was quite large with a fridge on the side of the counter and wooden cabinets

H⃜A⃜I⃜K⃜Y⃜U⃜U⃜ S⃜H⃜I⃜P⃜S⃜ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora