Well find each other-(your pick)🧸🩸

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"Do you ever wonder what happens after we die?"

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"Do you ever wonder what happens after we die?"

"Not really I don't like to think about it"

"Oh..why not?"

"It reminds me that one day..I'll lose you.."

"Well I don't think we'll lose each other when we die...I think that when we do die we come back in another life"

"That doesn't mean we'll be together though"

"We'll maybe if we're lucky we'll find each other in another life again and again we'll be with each other"

"Like for infinity?"

"Yeah...for infinity"

Nothing lasts for ever all you can do is enjoy it while you have it or else you'll miss these moments later

"Please..don't leave me"

Grunts and whimpers of pain could be heard in a park at night, sirens and guns firing were what filled the ears
Tears slipping into the ground that mixed with the crimson red that colored the grass beneath them

"Do you hear me?? You CANT LEAVE!"

"We'll find each other..in another life"

A warm smile slowly fell and a blood curdling scream filled the neighborhood
The sirens got louder and the gunshots stopped ringing

"Wait for me there"

Sometime people will find themselves alone at times and there will be nothing but an empty space to fill, there will seem like there is no hope..like there is nothing

It's quiet
Too quiet
The sound of laughter that filled the room faded into the back of the brain slipping into a fond memory we try and hold on to

Tear stained pillows, box's of tissue, cold nights.. all alone
There was no warmth anymore, no sign of happiness was found in the eyes they remained. Blank

"It's so cold"

They will one day find freedom, they will finally be set free..free from this pain

Laying In a hospital bed, a monitor beeping slowly stops
A comforting silence fills the room and there lay a still body on the very edge

One last breath was taken but given back out quietly

A quivering smile and tears fell on the pillow underneath them, they would finally be set free

"I'll find you again"


No one made it in time..the beeping had finally stopped, everything stopped for a moment while looking at a lifeless body that had a small smile

Set free from the pain, finally being able to smile again, that's the feeling..the feeling they missed

A long walk down a dark hallway with only a white light at the end to guide them

"I have to get to you..I wont give up. I'll always fight for you"

One last step
One. Last. Step.
'Don't give out on me'
Falling to their knees whimpering from the pain of walking so long it seemed impossible to get to the end, they closed their eyes and lay down on cold floor curling in a ball scared and hurt

Looking up in their eyes tears brimming, falling on the ground, the thumps in their heart increasing and a smile growing on their face
'Ah this feeling, I missed it so much'

"Come on let's go to the end, together"
A laugh filled their ears, and a hand in their line of sight waiting to be grabbed

"Yeah, let's go"
They grabbed the hand and walked down the hallway together slowly slipping into the light

If your lucky you'll end up in the same life and you can find each other again and again. For infinity

Sitting under a willow tree reading a book, enjoying the nice breeze that filled the lungs it was very relaxing

"Hey! I know you your in my math class right?"
Looking up they see a beautiful angel their heart rate picking up and a small blushing reaching their nose

"Yeah Im I'm your class, nice to meet you"
A quivering smile filled their face at the beautiful voice that came from this gorgeous creature

"Nice to meet you! Hey you mind if I join you there?"
Their heart rate beating faster than before

"Y-yeah come sit down here"
Patting the spot by them
Both of their hearts felt something new, but it also felt something old that they somehow didn't know they missed
'I won't let go of this feeling'

In another life~

:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+*:.. o(▽≦)o ..:*
I hope y'all liked this chapter or didn't it don't matter ¯\_()_/¯
I felt like hurting myself but I needed a happy ending so I present to you...this.
....yeah.... I was so close to deleting this but I don't want to get back in that habit so here we are 🥲

 I was so close to deleting this but I don't want to get back in that habit so here we are 🥲

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