Love- <3

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IM BAAAACKKKK BITCHESSS, sry that was too aggressive let's try again
Hello again all you wonderful, and amazing readers out there 🥰- fuck that back to my first intro--
Im not really back I'm going to dip right after this cause I got tests in this satanic ass school💀
BUT I have improved my writing and to test this out I shall be writing a fanfic about ------a ship
This could be a banger or a complete knock off of one of my other stories so.
Enjoy! Or not, feel ya feels

Love is the beam of light after a shower of rain
It's the flutter of a butterflies wings as they emerge from a chrysalis
From the twinkle in the night sky from the farthest star that shines oh so bright
To the rise of the sun from the sky down low as it descends up again, just for us
Love has many forms and each one is unique to its own beauty
But for me
For me love is the swelling feeling in my chest when I look at you
It's the rush of euphoria when I see that beaming smile on your face when you enjoy something so deeply
From the bumps of our bodies colliding on the court
To the light touches you leave on my cheek as you caress me with your soft and elegant danty hands

Love is the feeling you leave inside my heart that makes it thump all the way to my ears
It's the smile that never wipes off my face as we share our first kiss on the rooftop as the sun sets into the night sky
It's the embrace of your gentle hands in mine as we walk home together, side by side
Maybe it's the way you run your hands through my hair as we embrace each other under mountains of bedding
Or maybe it's the fits of laughter we have after completely destroying my kitchen trying to make cupcakes even when we know, neither of us could bake. But we still tried
I like that, trying
We always tried
When we would get into arguments over who has the better grades
Or when we got into a fist fight over a simple toss, again and again
Then again
Because we always knew something good would come from trying
Like right now as I write this letter to you
I'm trying to hold back the sting in my eyes as tears start to take over my vision
I'm trying to express all my love to you as best I can
Even though you know I'm not good with words

Why is this so hard?
It will never be easy but..why does it have to be this hard?
I'm simply writing a letter to you, a letter to my teammate, my friend, my companion, my love, my soulmate, my eternity
I believe that's why it's so hard
Your everything to me, so how could I possibly tell the person who means the most to me that I can't grant you your wish
Even as I looked over your hospital bed and heard your staggered breaths for air, for life to rejoin you
Even as you reached out with those same soft and elegant hands that caressed my face, this time to wipe my overflowing tears
Even as you rasped out "it's time to let go my love"
Even as I had to be dragged out the room kicking and screaming to hold you, as you just smiled a blew me a kiss of hope
It's never easy to let someone go, but I'm trying each day to get used to not seeing that same vibrant, orange hair that sticks out the covers
It's hard to walk down the stairs and not see you in my old worn out volleyball t-shirt from high school as you make our morning coffee
It's hard to get dressed for work and not see you scampering around the room searching for the right shoes
Everything is hard
Loving you wasn't hard though
So for you
For you my love
And only for you
I will let you go
I will miss all out moments together and  treasure them inside of me forever
Goodbye Hinata Shoyo

-From Kageyama Tobio

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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