"Yes" Kakashi nods "Tracker Ninja deal with the body quickly so there's no room for error. But remember what that kid did to Zabuza's body?"

"We don't know what he did. I guess he took it away somewhere" Sakura replies

"Yeah but why? He should of worked on Zabuza on the spot. Did you see the weapons he used?" Kakashi questions

"They were throwing needles." Sasuke answered. He then thought for a moment. His eyes widened when he hit realization. "...No way."

"Exactly.. none of it adds up" Kakashi says

"What are you jabbering about? You demolished that assassin." Tazuna speaks

"Here's the truth...Zabuza's still alive..." Kakashi tells them

Tazuna's, Sakura's and Naruto's mouths dropped open.

"Kakashi-Sensei, you checked him yourself that his heart stopped!" Sakura shouts in disbelief

"His heart did stop but that was a temporally state to simulate death" Kakashi replies

"Well according to what I hear, the weapons that the tracker used are called Senbon. They can pierce deeply but rarely kill unless they hit a vital organ" Aika explains "They are modified for needles used in medical treatments like acupuncture. Trackers are trained to know every detail of the human body, causing the heart to stop temporally while keeping the body alive is a easy matter for them. First.. you guys said the boy used senbon which have a precise effect but are rarely fatal. Then, he carried the body away. From these factors, we can conclude that the tracker wasn't trying to destroy Zabuza, he was trying to save him"

"Come on kid, you're over thinking it." Tazuna says

"No way" Aika shakes her head "I may be bad at Jutsu's, but when it comes to the books I've memorized every detail" she looks at Naruto who looks excited "big brother you're unbelievable"

"I'll have to train you guys" Kakashi says

"Hold on! A little last minute training won't make us strong enough to fight Zabuza! You could barely defeat him with your Sharingan! We have to be reasonable about this!" Sakura shouts sounding panicked

"Sakura, I was able to stop Zabuza because you all helped me. You've grown.. Naruto; you've grown the most" Kakashi praises

"alright big brother" Aika hugs him happily

"So you two noticed? Now things will get better, believe it!" Naruto shouts

"I don't believe it!" a voice shouts annoyed, they all turned to see the source of the voice; a little boy

"Inari, where have you been?" Tazuna asks

"You're back Grandpa!" Inari happily ran into his arms

"Inari, that was very rude! These ninja helped your Grandpa and brought him here safely!" Tsunami scolds

"Mom, don't you see these people are going to die! Gato and his men will come back and find them and wipe them out" Inari argues

"w-wipe us out" Aika mumbles

Sasuke pats her head comfortingly

"What did you say?! Listen up, do you know what a super ninja is?! That's me only a lot better. I'm going to be Hokage! This Gato is no match for a real hero like me!" Naruto shouts

"There's no such thing as a hero. You're just full of stupid ideas." Inari crosses his arms

"What'd you say?!" Naruto headed towards him but Aika wraps her arms around him

Naruto: The Fool's Sisterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें