Chapter 23: Battlefield: A Fight Between Frenemies!

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"Damn it!" Haruto shouts throwing the scroll back at the team on the ground in front of them

"w-what?" Aika pants, warn out from the fight

"They got an Heaven Scroll" Haruto sighs "useless to us"

"Ah not again!" Aika shouts in frustration "where is a stupid Earth scroll!"

Haruto and Aika had encountered and fought 4 teams so far, all having Heaven Scrolls. Aika looks at the burning trees around her, not as bad as before. The team in front of them grabs their own scroll from the ground and runs away.

"Well your fire control is getting a lot better" Haruto grins at her "I'd call that a win"

"Haru it's been 2 days already" Aika looks worried "what if we never find a Heaven Scroll?"

"We'll definitely find one Ai don't you worry" Haruto ruffles her hair "let's rest up some before moving on"

"yeah alright" Aika sighs before moving her hand in a circular motion

The burning trees were suddenly extinguished.

"W-what?!" Haruto shouts surprised "when did you learn to do that?"

"Last fight" Aika answers "I accidently caught my clothes on fire and learned i could put out my flames"

"You got some weird flames" Haruto mumbles before sitting down on the ground

"I know" Aika says as she sits down on the ground beside him

"Hey where'd you put that scroll I gave you?" Haruto asks her as he ate some berry's they found earlier

"I got it hidden in a special place until I have time to read it" Aika replies with a smile "As much as I would love to read it now it'd be too dangerous"

"You're not wrong" Haruto says as he looks around "who knows when we'll be attacked"

"Well you were right about one thing Haru" Aika tells him "fights really did help me improve.. but I also almost gotten eaten by a snake twice"

Haruto chuckles "but at least you now know how to escape from a giant snake"

"It wasn't that funny" Aika whines

"It was pretty funny" Haruto laughs before suddenly stopping and looks serious

"What's wrong Haru?" Aika asks

"I sense people" Haruto tells her

Haruto quickly picks up Aika and jumps into a tree, preferably the one that was least burned.

"Look at all these trees! They're completely burned!"

'Wait a minute... I'd know that screaming idiot anywhere, it's big brother!"

"Shut up idiot, don't shout" Sasuke's voice was heard next

"Do you guys think they were related to that big fire from the other day?" Sakura asks

"not likely, they seem new" Sasuke replies

"It's gotta be Aika!" Naruto shouts

"If it is then at least we know she's alive" Sasuke says

Their voices were getting louder. Aika looks down from the tree to see her old team walk by. Aika stared at them, they all look like they've been through hell. They were all so beat up and Sakura's hair was cut short.

'what.. what happened to them these past 3 days'

"Let's follow them" Haruto whispers "they might have a Heaven scroll"

"Are you crazy?" Aika whispers back "they're my team"

"Not anymore" Haruto whispers "If you can't defeat your brother then you can't be stronger then him"

Haruto jumps from tree to tree, following team 7.

'...fight Naruto.. I've never really thought of it before'

' "those twins, imagine what would happen if they became ninja" '

' "you're not strong enough Aika, I'll protect you" '

' "idiot don't fight! you're not strong enough!' "

Aika tightens her fists before turning and following behind Haruto. After awhile her old team stops at a stream to go fishing and camp for the night. It was the 4th night and they only had 24 hours left. Sakura soon took out their scroll, they had an Earth scroll.

Listening to their conversation it turns out some guy named Orochimaru burned their heaven scroll, they got an earth scroll from some sound ninja. Haruto and Aika waiting in the trees patiently and silently, after a bit Sasuke left to get water or something.

"Alright" Haruto whispers "ready?"

Aika nods determined.

"Activate you kekkei genkai" Haruto instructs "I at least taught you how to do that much over the past couple days"

Aika focuses and her eyes glow red.

"great, let's go" Haruto says "fire clones"

Aika puts her fingers in an 'X' "Fire clone jutsu!"

10 Aika's with their hair ablaze appear in the trees, Aika joins her clones and together they jump down in a circle around Naruto and Sakura. The two quickly stand up, the original Aika(unknown to the two) is in front of them(in the circle of clones)

"Aika!" Naruto shouts

"Hello big brother" all the clones and Aika replies putting their hands on their hips

Haruto jumps down into the circle "sorry kiddos, but we're gonna have to take that earth scroll"

"Naruto" Sakura says worried

"So you decided to come after your own team lil sis" Naruto chuckles "sorry but you know their's no way you'll defeat us, not after what we just went through!" He puts in fingers in a '+' "Shadow clone jutsu!"

10 Naruto's appear around Naruto and Sakura

"Aika!" Haruto shouts

"on it!" Aika replies

Naruto and Aika's clones charge at each other, as the original also charge at each other. Aika and Naruto's kunai clash and they jump back.

"Fire Ball jutsu!" Aika shoots a fire ball at him

Naruto dodges and throws a kunai at her, Aika dodges but got cut on her cheek. Their clones were both destroyed. Naruto turns when he hears Sakura shout, Haruto had their Earth Scroll.

"Let's go!" Haruto shouts

'damn it! He's injured and I still couldn't land a hit on Naruto! But somehow he cut me!"


Aika turns and sees Sasuke running back.

"We got it!" Haruto shouts as he jumped into the tree "come on!"

'Damn it!'

Aika jumps into the tree with Haruto and the two quickly get away, by nightfall they were making their way through the inner part of the forest. They wouldn't stop until they reached the end, and when they did the last step to do was go inside their room.

"what gives?" Aika looks around "their's nobody here"

"hm?" Haruto looks at the heaven scroll "I think we open the scrolls now?"

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