Chapter 29: Aika Unleashed: Secret Technique! The Konoha Crush Begins!

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"hehe.." Aika laughs from the ground

"What are you laughing about?!" Gaara shouts

Aika put one hand up in a sign "Phoenix Soul"

A great fire emits from Aika's body and Gaara is knocked away. Aika slowly stands up holding her side as her entire body is ablaze.

"heh" Haruto smirks "she's finally using it"

"What is that jutsu?" Sasuke asks in shock

"I've never seen her use it before!" Naruto shout

"that's Phoenix Soul" Kakashi says surprised

"right, it's a secret technique used by the users of the Fenikkusu Kekkei Genkai" Haruto confirms "it awakens her vast amount of chakra from within her body emitting her flames and raising her body temperature greatly, anyone who touches her will get burned" he crosses his arms again "and this is what she's learned in the past month.. but will it be enough"

The team stares at the arena shocked as Aika charges forward with her kunai. Gaara quickly sends his sand after her, whipping her into the side of the arena. The crowd gasps but Aika quickly recovers and is instantly in front of Gaara, she brings down her Kunai which cuts across Gaara's cheek as he jumps back.

Gaara held his hand in pain which was now burned, not too badly but worse then a normal burn. Gaara's hand must've gotten too close to Aika's body, Haruto was not kidding when he said her flames would burn anything. 

Aika stood there panting and in pain, the fire emitting from her body was greatly affecting her wounds. Aika's side was still bleeding greatly, her arm wasn't as bad, but now her head was bleeding as well from just being thrown into the wall.

'I won't lose'

Gaara growls in deep frustration as he puts his hand against his bleeding cheek. Aika was more hurt then him but the attack's he's been taking aren't nothing. Gaara's back was lightly burned from a fireball, his hand was burned worse from being close to her phoenix flames, and now his cheek was cut.

"My blood!" Gaara shouts "I'll kill you for this!"

Aika takes a step back but her fire doesn't go away. If she was going to die then she'd die fighting this guy, something definitely wasn't right with him.

Naruto stares down at her from the stands "Aika.. don't do it"

Gaara shouts as his Sand shoots out at Aika, she quickly jumps away from it, her speed has increased greatly from her training. The only downside to her new speed was the faster she went, the more it affected her wounds. 

"Come on Ai" Haruto mutters "you got this.. hold it together"

 Aika jumps up and makes another fireball, Gaara was starting to lose control, her fireball went straight through his sand and landed a hit on him. Gaara shouts in anger and pain from the burn. Of course it hurt more then normal, Aika's fire was special and will only get hotter.

Gaara screams and his sand becomes a dome around him like before, but this one looks a lot stronger.

"I won't loose!" Aika shouts as she blasts fire at the dome

The fire blast didn't even crack it. Aika angrily made hand signs before her hand became engulfed in a bigger flame.

"Fire blade!" Aika punches straight into the dome

They hear Gaara scream, his dome cracked and revealed him, he's lost control. Shikaku was starting to take control, the sand had taken over half his body. Aika jumped back in worry.  All around the stadium everyone was suddenly starting to fall asleep. Their was an explosion and Lord Hokage was taken hostage, surrounded by a barrier.

"It's over now!" Gaara shouts catching her off guard

The giant giant sand hand reaches out and grabs Aika squeezing her tightly, she screams in pain as her fire went out, he threw her down to the ground. Aika laid on the floor bleeding out and in terrible pain, she overdid it a long time ago.

Even with all the commotion going on Gaara was still in rage, he was heading over to her when Temari and Kakuro jumped down in front of him.

"Stop it Gaara!" Temari shouts

"I must kill her" Gaara growls holding his hand over his right eye

"There's no point in continuing this fight!" Temari argues

"That's right!" Kankuro adds "Don't forget our mission!" 

'damn it.. this is an invasion'

"Out of my way!" Gaara growls

"Operation is already underway.." A sand ninja announces to the three "get out of here now!"

Gaara growls but knowing he was losing control, he and the sand siblings left. The sand nin glances at Aika who he was sure was going to die before jumping away. Aika finally closes her eyes all the way and immediately blacked out. That was it, but she already knew that the moment she was injured, she had already lost..

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