Lydia was the one pulling and the whole group was here. I turned to leave again "Where are you going? We're taking Liam to the Lake House and you're the only one he likes."

I nod "I'll be there don't worry."

After school I put all my stuff in my house and start walking to the Lake House.

I was halfway there. I heard a snap in the woods and that made me run at vampire speed. The same thing happened when I had the nightmare and I was not going through that again.

I see the house and run in locking the door, my heart was going crazy. I slide down against the door putting my face in my hands.

"Nor are you okay?" This made me jump.

I look up to see everyone staring at me including Liam who was there. I stand up swallowing the lump in my throat "Yeah I'm fine." I smile and look out the window nervously.

Everyone gave me a questioning look and Stiles was about to say something to me.

"Seriously I'm fine, just leave it." He nods and we all start talking to Liam while I sit down trying to breathe.

He crosses his arms "Werewolf, were-coyote, banshee, fox-"

"Kitsune, but fox works" Kira corrected.

He looks at Stiles "What are you?"

Stiles rubs his head "For a little while I was possessed by an evil spirit. It was very evil"

Liam seemed concerned "And what are you now?"

Stiles looks around "Better."

Liam turns to me "Are you something too?"

I could tell he wanted someone normal but I sigh "Sorry but I'm a vampire."

He took a step away from me and I nod already knowing that was going to be his reaction. Lydia gives me a sympathy smile but I shrug signaling that I was okay.

Liam starts going ballistic because of the moon "I feel like I'm surrounding by psychotic nutjobs. You guys are out of your freaking minds! I don't know how you did that eye thing! But I don't care! I'm walking out the door right now and if any of you try to stop me I swear to god I'm going to-"

He starts covering his ears and screaming. Over the yelling I hear a bunch of cars pulling up.

Stiles grabs the bag of chains and Malia and runs to the basement. Lydia decides to throw the party all the freshman are waiting for.

Kira and Scott take Liam to the boathouse away from the party and loud noise's.

I go up to a empty room and stare out the window looking at the water and the moon. It felt like ages ago when Klaus was trying to kill everyone.

A kid came in the room "Hey are you okay?" I look over and I believe it was Liam's friend Mason, he seemed sweet.

"Yeah just enjoying the view. Do you need something? I was just about to leave so I can help you."

He said no and was just looking for Liam, I decided to follow him because I can't let him find the transitioning wolf.

I walk in the door Mason went through just when Lydia spilt wine all over the carpet. She starts rubbing the carpet roughly and starts crying.

I tell Mason to go get supplies to clean it while Lydia rambles about selling the house because they can't afford it.

He left and the door shut behind him, I looked at Lydia and she looked at me noticing it too.

There was no more sound, no more music, and no more people talking. It was silent.

I open the door and the sound fills the room, I continue to open and close it.

Lydia gives me a glare and I stopped. She starts walking towards one of the plain walls and stares at it, it must be a banshee thing.

Theres a record player but the noise hurts my ears so I block it out and start staring at the wall wondering if I can seeing anything.

Kira comes in also weirded out by Lydia staring at a wall, Lydia looked at her "Its the key. The key to break the code."

They fill me in about the notes she gave to Malia that were like a code but she doesn't remember writing it. She grabs her computer and her code shows up. Then the page went blank except for a bar to put the keyword. She writes Allison as the password.

When she pressed enter a bunch names with numbers beside them showed up. There was a bunch of names but my friends names were there too Lydia Martin 20, Scott McCall 25, Derek Hale 15, and Kira Yukimura 6. What is going on now?

Leonora Salvatore- Teen Wolf/ The Vampire DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now