11 - Control of the Moment

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Randall pulled her back into the room "What were you thinking?!" He explained. Melissa popped her head over his shoulder "It was a dumb idea to be fair." She agreed.
"You shouldn't be here!" Rene replied as she hurried him to the door. Randall turned around "What's going on?" He questioned.
"Give me time! Okay?" She freaked. Randall's eyes widened slightly "Fine! I'm done caring!" He insisted then stormed out of the room. Rene marched out of the room and looked towards him "Good! I'm glad!" She insisted. She looked towards the room across the hall. The boy looked at her as if she had three heads "What're you staring at!" She shouted. He panicked and shut the door in fear.
Melissa began to sarcastically clap "Well done! Greatly handled!" She remarked. Rene glared at her "You can go away too!" She replied as she waved her hand in frustration.
"I'll be back in an hour," Melissa informed before fading away like a cloud of smoke. Rene closed her eyes in frustration and sighed loudly.

Rene woke up to a cold air brushing her face. She opened her eyes and saw Melissa "What do you want!?" Rene moaned.
"I told you, I'd be back in an hour." She replied. Melissa walked over to the seat and sat down "By the way...unexpected visitor is on the way." She informed. Rene sat up as the door knocked three times "Ugh! What now!". It opened to Gabrielle "Get your pretty ass up!" She ordered. Rene's eyes widened "Excuse me?" She questioned confusingly.
"I heard what happened with both Randall and Alpha, and I'm about to help you sort it out." She grinned. Melissa smiled "If you're not stupid, you'll accept the offer." She guided.
"What are we doing?" Rene asked.
"Glad you asked!" She said with a grin.

"Shopping?" Rene asked as she sat, staring at the mall. Gabrielle beamed "Yes! We are gonna make you a winter outfit!" She exclaimed. Rene sighed and they entered the mall. They went through various shops, pinning different clothing options up to Rene. They disagreed a lot, but Rene was beginning to have fun. They laughed as they looked at all different kinds of winter coats. Both of their eyes locked onto a red thigh-length jacket with a hood. They both looked at each other, then rushed to the jacket. They exclaimed with excitement as they grabbed Rene's size. Gabrielle grabbed a black pinafore dress with a crimson top to go underneath it. Rene pulled out crimson and black tartan tights, along with a pair of black heeled ankle boots. Gabrielle rushed to the accessories section and pulled out a cream scarf and hat. She then grabbed silk black gloves. Once they were finished, Gabrielle rushed her into the bathroom. Once she came out, Gabrielle gasped "Holy...shit!" She exclaimed.

They got back to the campus and walked through as if no one can touch them. Everyone stopped and stared at the two as they passed by. Their floral perfume hit the noses of everyone who stood close. Gabrielle walked to the door of the bar, but Rene stopped "They're in there!" She exclaimed quietly. Gabrielle turned to Rene "Listen! My goal is not only to make Randall jealous that he lost a hot bomb like you, but also to take control of the situation...control is our goal!" Gabrielle informed.
"You're not so bad, you know..." Rene informed. Gabrielle lifted her shoulder "I know...I'm just a boss bitch...now let's do this!" She exclaimed. She pushed open the door and walked inside. Rene followed with the same attitude. Jack looked up and alerted the group "Guys...". Everyone looked back at the two "Rene and Gabrielle?!" Hamish exclaimed in disbelief. Randall's mouth dropped slightly "Don't acknowledge them." Gabrielle muttered as she walked passed them without a flinch of an eye. Rene took a deep breath and copied her. Jack waved, but as she ignored him, his smile faded.
"Did she just?..." Jack began.
"Ignore us? Yeah..." Hamish finished. Everyone looked at Randall sternly "Okay...perhaps Rene and I may be feuding at the moment." He informed bluntly.
"So Rene sees you as she did with Gabrielle? That'll be fun!" Hamish sarcastically stated as he finished his pint. Randall rested his hand on his face and sighed loudly.

"Good job!" Gabrielle congratulated as she clinked her strawberry daiquiri with hers. Rene grinned "It felt empowering...it felt like I had control of the moment!" She excitedly stated as she sat back. Gabrielle crossed her legs "They are baffled by this new exciting confidence you have.". Rene raised her glass in cheers. Gabrielle walked up to the bar and waited for more drinks to arrive "What have you done to her?" A voice from behind her asked. She turned around to face Jack "Done what? Made her confident?". The waitress placed the drinks on the countertop which Gabrielle grabbed "Do me a favour. Don't talk to Rene until she's got control...got it?" She warned before strutting off towards Rene. Jack walked back to the table and sat down with a thud "Gabrielle wants us to stay away from Rene until she's ready." Jack told. Everyone leaned back in disbelief "This is ridiculous!" Lilith exclaimed. She leaned over the table "If you don't stop your feud with her...I'll kill you!" She threatened.
"Listen...I'm not going to fix anything until she's back to her normal self." Randall stood his ground.

The four got back to the den. They stood in the foyer and stared at the empty chair in the living room. The ropes were scattered on the floor "Fuck sake!" Lilith shouted. Hamish held his hand over his mouth in frustration "It's just one problem after the other..." Randall mentioned.
"Where's Grafton and Nessi?" Jack asked. Lilith walked in and spotted them on the floor "Over here!" She called. Everyone rushed over and looked at the state they were in. Nessi had a massive red mark on her forehead, which indicated that she was hit with something. Grafton didn't have any marks on him, which indicated that magic was used.
"Wait for them to wake up...I'll check Rene's dorm," Randall informed.

Rene sat on her laptop until a knock was heard "Don't open it!" Melissa warned as she popped into the room. Rene jumped "Why not?" She asked.
"It's that man that loves to rile you up!" She informed. Rene growled and stormed to the door. She touched the doorknob, but the door was kicked open. She staggered back and watched as Dr Steven and three armed men entered the room "Rene!" Steven gleamed.
"What do you want?" She asked.
"I've given up on catching Grafton because you are far more precious." He notified as he connected his hands to his stomach.
"No one stopped you from entering the dorms with armed guns?" Rene questioned. He laughed and shook his head "We knocked out the guards at the door, plus our guns have suppressors. Plus, everyone is asleep. They won't hear a thing...". Out of nowhere, Randall tackled one of the armed men.
"Good luck dealing with them, asshole!" Rene shouted at Randall as she made a runner for it.

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