6 - An Alien Organisation

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Rene unpacked everything back into her room. Lilith leaned against the door frame "I saw you and Randall together last night." She pointed out. Rene smirked "If you came here to ask if I remember? I don't." She informed as she placed her hand on her hips.
"It will get there...I have full faith in that." She told before walking away.

Rene walked through the house and into the living room. She walked up to the bar and spotted a picture that was pinned to the shelf. She examined it. It was all five of them, her, Randall, Jack, Lilith and Hamish. Hamish appeared beside her "I pinned it up after we all thought you died." He told. Rene smiled "It's a great picture." She replied. Hamish chuckled and poured her a drink "A welcome home present." He offered.
"Vodka and coke. My favourite." She beamed. Hamish took a sip of his whiskey "Thank Randall for that." He replied. Rene smiled lightly and began to drink it. She followed through into the kitchen. She got memories of Jack, hitting her with the door and placing a cold cloth on her head. She walked back into the Foyer. The main door burst open and revealed Vera. Vera rolled her eyes "I thought I told you guys to stay away from each other!" She yelled. Vera spotted Rene "It's you." Rene muttered.
"It's me?" She asked. Rene felt her magic instantly "I remember you." Rene finalised before angrily walking into the living room.
"I had to wipe your memories to save everyone!" She defended. Rene turned around "No you didn't! And now I can't remember my supposed boyfriend!" She informed. Vera straightened yourself "It'll take time. You two had a special bond" She informed. Lilith, Hamish, Randall and Jack entered the room "What's going on?" Jack asked. Vera put her hands together "That crater contained a vessel that was lying open by the time we investigated. We fear that someone or something escaped." She noted.
"A group of people attacked Rene a couple of days ago," Hamish informed. Vera nodded "The vessel was big enough to fit quite a few people inside." She told.
"So we're dealing with aliens?" Rene asked. Vera laughed as she shook her head "They are dealing with the aliens. You are staying put." She ordered.
"The last time I checked, I'm not in the order anymore. I can do whatever I want. The least you could do for making me forget my memory." Rene pleaded. Vera sighed "Fine...but don't mess anything up." She warned before leaving the house.
"Back in business!" Lilith exclaimed happily. Jack looked at Rene, who stared evilly towards the door "Don't..." He warned.
"I wasn't going to do anything!" She defended. Jack shook his head "Not you...Alpha!" He corrected.

Everyone approached the crater and stared down into the pit "So, whos doing down?" Jack asked. Without warning, Rene slid down with speed and landed on her feet at the bottom. Randall, out of fear, followed her. They both stared into the vessel and spotted thirteen seats "Thirteen...roughly the amount of men that attacked you." Randall informed. Rene placed her hand on top of the vessel, and she sensed danger. The wind blew harder, which drew everyone's attention. The leaves blew past the group, and the forest became more threatening "What's that?" Jack questioned, and he pointed between the trees. Randall and Rene climbed out of the hole and looked in between the trees. The sounds of boots marching became more prominent. The group looked at each other "Should we stay, or should we run?" Hamish asked. Gunshots went off, and bullets flew past them "Run!" Jack insisted. The group split up. Hamish and Lilith went one way, Jack and Randall went another way, and Rene was by herself.

"We need to go back to her!" Randall insisted. Jack pulled him into the corner "Rene's a big girl! She can save herself!" He reminded. Randall tutted "We need to get back to the house, and if she's not there within an hour, I'm going after her." He told.

Rene ran through the trees but stopped to catch her breath. Everything around her was eerily quiet. The only sound was her breath. She put her foot forward and stepped on a twig, which instantly snapped. She paused for a few seconds before gunshots started firing again. She ducked in behind a fallen tree. As her head was tucked under the tree, the bullets decreased till none fired. She uncovered her ears slowly, then Randall's head ducked over the log. Rene screamed and punched him accidentally. He staggered back onto the dirt, as did she "I'm so sorry!" Rene panicked. She covered her mouth as she tried not to laugh. Randall staggered to his feet "Thanks for that." He mentioned through a grin.
"How did you find me?" She asked. Randall wiped his nose "I felt that you needed my help." He replied. Rene smiled "Oh yeah, the hide thing." She replied. Randall put out his hand to help her up "Let's get back." He insisted. Rene grabbed his hand, then a vision flashed before her eyes. Randall was sat on a chair in a dark basement, beaten and bruised. Rene quickly pulled her hand back "What's wrong?" Randall asked worryingly. Rene furrowed "I saw you beaten up...you were tied to a chair." She told.
"That was nearly three months ago." He informed. Rene grabbed his hand again and pulled herself up "So, it happened?" She asked. Randall nodded nervously "Yeah, and I'd rather not revisit that." He mentioned.

Rene and Randall walked towards the house, but she stopped before she reached the porch "You coming inside?" Randall asked. Rene looked at Randall with hopelessness, her arms folded "Why do I get this feeling you've risked your life for me so many times?" She questioned. Randall slowly looked down towards the floor "Because I did." He replied in a humble tone. Unexpectedly, Rene's heart pounced. Her feelings towards Randall suddenly began to bloom. She tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear "Thank you for sticking with me." She smiled.
"Loves a weird thing," Randall stated. Rene lightly laughed then walked inside with him.
"She's back!" Lilith shouted as she spotted the two enter the home. Rene waved "Randall saved me." She told. Randall looked at Rene with a loving grin. She gently grabbed his hand, which drew both Randall's and Lilith's attention "I'll leave you two to talk." She finalised before backing off into the living room.
"Wanna talk upstairs?" Randall questioned. Rene nodded, and Randall followed her to her room. Randall sat on her bed, and Rene closed the door "Everything okay?" He asked.
"I may not remember a lot, but I realise how deeply you feel for me." She mentioned as she faced the door. Randall leaned forward, putting his hands together as he listened. Rene took a deep breath and turned around "And I think it's beginning to reflect." She mentioned. Her tone of voice was shakey as if she was almost frightened to believe it.
"Rene, I love you, I really do...but I don't want anything until you get our memories back." He told. Rene furrowed "I don't want anything yet either...I'm just telling you that I'm beginning to open my eyes a little." She informed. She tucked her hair in behind her ears "I just wanted to let you know." She finalised. Randall slowly stood up and made his way over to the door. He gently placed his hand on her upper arm, kissing her on the forehead as he passed.

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