1 - Bombing

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Randall shoved the rubble off of himself and looked around. The pub was wrecked "Guys!" He shouted, followed by a cough. Jack got up "What the fuck was that?!" He yelled. Lilith and Hamish both popped up "Well fuck." Lilith announced. Rene then pushed off the bricks "I'm okay!" She called.

Everyone else in the bar stood at the back. Everyone survived with minor injuries. Everyone stumbled to the door which was off of the hinges. They gazed out and saw that the bomb had destroyed the car park "Holy shit..." Jack muttered. The bomb created a crater "The bar!" Randall stated, clearly upset. Jack came to realisation "The car!" He shouted. Randall shook his head "No...the bar!" He corrected. Jack pointed towards the car park "No! I meant my car!" He replied. Everyone looked into the crater, cars piled on top of each other. The group got a text from Vera to hurry to the temple "Well..." Hamish sighed. 

Everyone stood in the office "It has come to my attention that a bomb went off at the bar near the highway, and it just so happens that you five were caught in the blast" She gathered. Jack raised his eyebrows "What gave it away? That we were there? Or that were are covered in dirt and our own blood?" He asked. Vera looked at Jack "The point is that it's always you five that get caught in trouble." She explained. Everyone looked at each other with suspense.
"And that's why I am splitting you all up." She announced. Rene leaned forward "I'm sorry, what?" She asked in disbelief. Vera sighed "You heard me miss Adams..." She finalised before flicking her fingers to open the doors. Rene stormed out with the group following behind her. 

Everyone sat at a table in the lounge "She can't do that!" Rene scowled. Vera reopened the doors "Mr Carpio..." She directed. Randall stood up and walked into the office. Hamish furrowed "What does she want with Randall?" He wondered. Jack shook his head "I have no idea...this is bullshit!" He shouted. 
"Tell me about it..." Rene replied.
The office doors opened five minutes later. Randall had turned white "Dude? You good?" Jack asked. Randall walked right passed them and outside. Rene shot up and ran after him. 

"Randall!" Rene shouted as she chased him through campus. He stopped and turned around, teary-eyed "What?" He asked. Rene was taken back "Are you crying?" She asked, "What did she do?" She followed. Randall paused briefly "We have to break up..." He informed. Rene's heart dropped "I don't understand..." She muttered quietly.
"It's for the best..." He finalised before turning away and walking off. Rene felt her world crumble around her. She turned around and rushed to the temple. 
Hamish, Jack and Lilith still sat there "Guys..." She alerted with tears in her eyes. They all stood up "What happened?" Lilith asked as she rushed over to her. 
"Randall just broke up with me." She informed. Hamish's eyes widened "What?" He asked. Rene's lip trembled "He said it's for the best" She repeated. Rene looked towards the doors of the office and stormed over. She pounded her fist on it multiple times "Vera!" She shouted. The doors swung open "Miss Adams..." She replied, annoyed by the disturbance. Rene walked in a furious rage,  and slammed her hands on the desk "What did you do?!" She shouted. Vera leaned back in surprise. Hamish leaned forward "Rene!..." He yelled to calm her down. Rene put her finger out "Not now, Hamish!" She put. 
"If this is what the order has become, then I don't want any part in it!" She shouted. 

Jack's eyes widened "Rene wait!" he shouted. Vera stood up "So be it..." She agreed. She held dust in her hand and blew it in Rene's face. Rene fell to the floor. Vera stood over her "Your name is Rene Adams, you study theatre at Belgrave University, you forget everything about the order...and the knights of St Christopher" She told. The three looked at Vera "What?!" They shouted in sync. 
"You made her forget us?!" Lilith wailed. Vera clapped her hands to remove any of the remaining dust "The safety of my students is key..." She reminded. Lilith scowled, turned around, and walked away. 

Rene woke up in her dorm room. All of her belongings were back where they were supposed to be. She rubbed her head and looked around, she felt as if a big piece of her life was missing. 

Lilith, Jack and Hamish walked into the house "Where did Rene's stuff go?" Randall asked as he trotted down the stairs. Lilith crossed her arms "We have a problem..." She announced.
Hamish sat him down and explained everything. Randall sat in disbelief "Vera made her forget?" He asked. Jack nodded "Yeah...now she doesn't remember any of us." He informed. Randall leaned back as if all hope was lost "We have to help her remember!" He encouraged. Hamish nodded "Of course we are! We can't just leave her!" he replied. 

Rene wondered campus by herself just to bump into Lilith "I'm sorry!" Rene panicked. Lilith laughed "Don't worry about it!" She replied. Rene paused and studied her "Do I know you?" She asked. Lilith furrowed "Do you?" She asked, clearly trying to jog her memory. Rene smiled "I feel like I know you." She replied. Lilith linked arms with her "Why don't we talk over a coffee?" She asked. 

Lilith and Rene walked into the cafe and sat down "So...what do you do?" Rene asked. Lilith leaned forward "I study science." She informed. Rene furrowed "Social?" She asked. Lilith furrowed with a grin "Yeah..." She replied. Rene leaned in "Is it weird if I say I feel like you've told me?" She asked. Just then, Hamish, Jack and Randall entered the cafe "Lilith!" Jack called. Rene looked back, and the guys paused "Rene..." Randall muttered. 
"And...you are?" Rene replied, confused. Randall shook himself "That was a pure guess." He replied. Rene smiled "That was a good call," She stated. 
They all sat down and stared at her. Rene gave in "Okay, I'm sorry, but do I know you guys?" She asked. Everyone looked at each other "You did..." Jack mentioned. Hamish nudged him and glared at him. 

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