5 - Dreaming Away

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Rene walked out of class to bump into Gabrielle "Watch it!" She hissed. Rene fixed her bag "I am so sorry!" She replied, then turned away. Gabrielle furrowed "Rene?" She questioned. Rene turned back around "You know me?" She asked. 
"Of course I know...wait, your memories were wiped, weren't they?" She asked. Rene nodded then Gabrielle looked around her "Nevermind! I'll talk to you later." She exclaimed before trotting off. Rene furrowed "Okay..." She whispered before turning her way. 
She walked through campus and spotted Randall giving a tour to students who plan to study at the university. She smiled and tugged on her bag. She noticed how enthusiastic he was towards the students and parents. When he got closer, she overheard a bit of the conversation "And here is where most of the fairs happen. Three times during the student year, stalls get set up from clubs all around campus." He told. He tapped a kid on the shoulder "So what do you like to do?" He asked. The kid beamed "Sports." he replied. Randall nodded "I can confirm that there is a sports club on campus." He informed. He continued and caught a glimpse of Rene. He turned back to the group "Why don't we take a break! The cafe is just right over there, and we'll meet back here in ten minutes to continue the tour?" He suggested. Once everyone left, he turned to Rene "Are you following me?" He asked as his to tone dropped. 
"No. I just so happened to finish my class and bump into you." She informed with a smile. Randall looked off "What do you want?" He asked then looked back at her. She laughed lightly "Not the greeting I was hoping for." She replied. 
"I want to fix our friendship...at least let me buy you a coffee?" She offered. Randall looked towards the trees then back to Rene "I finish the tour in an hour. It was punishment after fighting Josh." He informed. 
"I mean...you do deserve it." She stated through a laugh. Randall chuckled "Yeah, well, he deserved a punch." He replied. Rene laughed "Well, I'll see you in an hour?" She reminded then walked off. Randall watched as she pranced around the corner.

An hour had passed, and Rene entered the cafe. She glanced over at the table and saw Randall sitting down on his phone. She walked over and sat in front of him "Hi." She greeted with a smile. Randall smiled back "Hey" He replied. The waiter came over "A regular coffee and a caramel latte?" She questioned.
"That's us," Randall replied through a smile. Rene sat back with an impressed expression "You knew my favourite coffee?" She asked through a grin. 
"It was one of the first things I learned about you." He informed. She grabbed her cup and sipped on it gently in case she burnt her lips. The whipped cream got on the side of her lips "You've got a little something." Randall pointed towards his mouth "Let me..." he insisted. He leaned in and whipped the corner of her mouth gently. Rene watched as his thumb drifted away from her. He sucked on his thumb "That's good!" He replied. Rene couldn't hold in her laughter "You're funny." She complimented.
"Thank you! I'm known to have the best humour." He informed. Rene grinned and twiddled her finger over the rim of her cup. Randall looked into her eyes "So...what's your favourite colour?" He asked, but when she was about to reply, he put his finger in the air "Wait!... Don't tell me." He silenced. He leaned in and pointed at her "Blue." He whispered, then leaned back. Rene sat back "Not many people seem to remember a lot about me." She informed.
"I'm sure a boyfriend would." He muttered. Rene furrowed "Is this what this is about?" She asked. He shook his head "No, just stating a fact. I was your boyfriend, and I want you to remember." He informed then smiled.

Rene lay on her bed. She fell asleep, and she began to dream of Randall. He was sitting on the bed with her and asked her to be his girlfriend. The next minute, they kissed. When the dream began to intensify, she woke up and shot up like a lightning bolt. She felt the side of her neck where Randall was kissing her. She ruffled her hands through her hair and let a deep breath out. She got up and stared out of her dorm room window. She stared up into the starry night and began to think of him. She finally gave in to the thoughts and put on her dressing gown and slippers. She drove her way towards the den. 

She got to the gates and saw him sitting on the roof. She stopped and stared up at him "We need to talk." She whispered up. He tapped the spot beside him "Come on up." He insisted. Rene furrowed but saw a pipe drain on the side "As long as you won't let me fall?" She questioned. Randall chuckled lightly "That's the thing on this world I'll do." He admitted. When she reached the top gutter, her slipper fell off, which caused her to stumble. She gasped as her body began to drop, but Randall was quick to grab her hand "I told you..." He pointed out with a smug grin. She climbed up, and they sat in front of his bedroom window.
"Is this what you do most nights?" She asked. Randall looked down at his hands "Only when I need to think." He replied, then looked at her. The moon shimmered into her eyes, making the blue stand out. He sighed "What is it you needed to talk about?" He asked.
"It's gonna sound crazy, but I had a dream about you..." She informed. Randall looked over hopefully. "But, I don't think it was a dream. It felt too real." She told. He smirked, "What was the dream about?" He asked. 
Rene began to laugh nervously "You asking me out in my dorm room, then we kinda...hit it off." She told. Randall jumped to attention "That happened! That was a memory!" He informed.
"But I still don't remember you." She stated. 
"It's a start." He said with faith. Rene looked back over the trees. He gently grabbed her hand and stared into her eyes "We will get there together." He whispered. She smiled and placed her head on his shoulder "I'm sorry if I'm putting you through a lot of pain." She apologised. Randall laughed lightly "If it means to get your memory back? It'll be worth it." He stated. He then placed his head on top of hers.
"That's a little sentimental..." She joked. Randall looked at her and began to laugh softly "Are you being serious right now?" he asked. Rene laughed and looked into his eyes.
"Can I move back in?" She asked. Randall laughed "Of course you can!" He finalised.

Deeper Into HellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora