9 - Personality Change

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The next morning, Rene went outside to train herself. The rain poured heavily, but she didn't care. She kicked and punched the air, performing cartwheels, backflips, and front flips. Randall opened the door and stared at her. Her clothes were drenched along with her hair. She was determined to train. Randall sighed and approached her "Come inside, you're soaking!" He pointed out. Rene's wet hair whipped his face "Not right now.".
"Yes...right now. You'll catch a cold!" He warned. She blanked him and carried on with what she was doing. Randall felt a shift in her attitude "What's wrong with you?" he asked. Rene paused and looked at him with a furrow "I'm sorry? Unlike you, Randall. I was shocked for what seemed like years. I want that bastard dead!" She replied before going back to kicking the air. Randall was starting to get soaked as he stood longer "It's not worth it." He finalised before making his way towards the porch. Rene sighed but continued. Randall looked back at her, she was focused on correcting her punches.

Two hours later, Rene walked in breathless. Everyone watched her, it's as if her mind was somewhere else.
"Have you talked to her?" Hamish asked Randall, who nodded his head and continued flicking through his comic book "I've tried! But she just wants this guy dead!".
"I can understand. She was tortured, I can see why she's like that." Grafton defended as he shaved his beard in the mirror.
"Can you please do that in the bathroom?!" Jack asked in an annoyed tone as he waved his hand towards the stairs. Grafton turned around with a confused expression "What's the problem?".

Rene came out from the basement with two katanas. Lilith bounced up "Woah, what're you doing?!" She shouted worryingly. Rene looked over as if everything was normal "Training..." She stated. Randall sighed, threw down the comic book, and marched towards her. He snatched the katanas from her hand "I'm putting a stop to this!" He snared. Rene growled, grabbed him by the throat and pushed him into the wall. Her eyes glowed white as her anger increased dramatically. Randall raised his hands. Rene raised her fist, but Jack had rushed over and grabbed it. He spun her around and grabbed her arms "Rene!" He shouted angrily. Rene closed her eyes and forced Jack's hands off of her. Randall hadn't moved and was still shell-shocked. Rene stormed out of the house with the loud march, kicking the door open with force. Everything went silent until Nessi broke it with a snigger "Fucking hell..." She stated through a grin. Everyone looked over at her with unimpressed faces. Nessi furrowed "What?!".

Rene strolled through campus alone in the cold. She pulled her shoulders towards the sides of her face to keep the heat in. She kicked all the leaves that settled onto the ground. She stared into the cafe, she witnessed a couple laughing as they coward over their coffee cups. A small grin settled across her face. She continued down the path and approached the benches. She sat down and stared at the clouds. Soon enough, snow began to fall. Winter had arrived, and Christmas was just around the corner. She looked at her hands as they began to shake due to the cold. A small cough was heard from behind her. She looked at her shoulder and saw a coffee cup being held in front of her. She looked up and saw Randall smiling faintly. She smiled, but the smile spoke of guilt. He climbed over the back of the bench and beside her.
"I'm sorry..." Rene muttered as she looked at the lid of the cup, and how the snowflakes melted when they hit. Randall laughed lightly "It's okay, I'm just scared that you're turning into someone else." He confessed. Rene took a sip "I just want to have a normal life...".
"We will get it!" Randall reassured as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Randall took in her appearance. Despite her tired eyes, her hair sat perfectly under the black beanie she wore. The snow set on her hair perfectly. Randall stood up and put out his hand "Let's go for a walk..." he insisted. Rene smiled and grabbed his hand. 

They walked back to the den. Everyone smiled in relief "...And she's back!" Jack cheered. Rene waved nervously before going up to her room. Randall tapped on the bannister "I'll be up in a minute!" He shouted up. He walked into the living room and leaned against the door frame.
"How is she?" Hamish asked as he pulled his coffee cup to his lips. Randall nodded "She's feeling guilty, she's angry and upset about everything." He explained. Everyone nodded in understanding.
"Give her time dude, I'm sure she'll bounce back in no time!" Jack reassured. Randall nodded in agreement then turned towards the stairs. As he walked up and entered Rene's room, he saw the window wide open with the curtains flapping in the wind. Randall sprinted to the window and gazed out "Shit..." He muttered. He raced downstairs and back into the living room.
"She's gone!" He alerted. Everyone jumped to attention "Where could she have gone?" Lilith questioned as she raced to the coat rack. Randall thought for a moment then jumped to a conclusion.

Rene walked through the woods and stopped outside of the bunker. She opened the latch and walked down. There were no guards guarding the entrance, so she assumed the place was deserted. She made her way deeper and found boxes. It changed since the last time she was down there. She walked towards the room with the glass window, she saw the machine was still sat in the same spot. She walked into the room and stared at the machine. As she stared, a gun click was heard from behind her "I knew you'd come back." A voice followed. Rene turned around to be face to face with a Glock and Steven.
"I just knew you'd come back! And it's time to finish what I started." He stated as he placed the gun against her head. She examined the side of his head, there was a plaster where the fire extinguisher hit him. She slapped his hand, and the Glock landed on the floor.
"You're forgetting I'm a werewolf..." She reminded. She grabbed him by the throat and lifted him into the air. He held onto her arms as he struggled to breathe.

Randall and Hamish climbed down into the bunker. They bolted towards the room and entered "Rene, no!" Randall shouted. Rene's eyes were attached to Steven as he struggled.
"Then you leave me no choice..." Randall then tackled Rene to the floor. Steven fell to the floor and Hamish grabbed him.
"To think it was Grafton I was after...turns out there's a more bloodthirsty one..." the man rambled. Hamish pulled him closer "You better shut it before I do it for you!" He threatened.

"Get off me!" Rene shouted as she pushed Randall to the side. She scrambled to her feet and glared at Steven.
"Let's get back to the den before someone decides to rip someone apart..." Randall aimed at Rene. She rolled her eyes and pushed passed everyone.

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