24 - Findings

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Randall walked with Damon and Elena "How long have you been a werewolf?" Damon asked. Randall laughed "Hamish, you know, the tall one. He came up to me and offered me the hide." He informed as he placed his hands in his pockets.
"Hide?" Elena asked as she stepped over a log.
"Yeah, our group...or pack, is called the knights of st Christopher. Overall there are six hides. There's me, who has Greybeard. Hamish has Tundra. Jack has Silverback. Lilith has Timber. Grafton has Midnight..."
"I used to have Midnight...but apparently I went apeshit." Gabrielle butted in.
"Apparently? You did go apeshit!" Randall replied as he turned to face her.
"And Rene has Alpha." He finished. Damon scoffed "So, is Rene the leader?". Randall shook his head "It's more Hamish...he usually takes the lead." He informed.

Stefan and Rene climbed through the gate and entered a bigger tunnel "This is giving me flashbacks." She murmured to herself before shining the light down both ends.
"Just be on your guard. They are crafty. They could pop out of anywhere." Stefan warned before walking down one end. Rene caught up with him as she watched her footing. Rats scurried through and around her legs. The smell hit their noses, making them both screw their faces up. Unexpectedly, another smell hit Rene's nose "What's that smell..." She murmured in disgust.
"You can smell it too?" Stefan replied, fixing his eyes towards a certain spot in the tunnel. The two carefully proceeded deeper. The smell grew stronger as they approached an inner section. Their eyes drifted to a body that laid against the tunnel walls. Rats and cockroaches crawled all over the body. It was Robbie's. Rene's hand slowly drifted towards her mouth, her eyes widened to the sight of the decomposing body. Rene looked away "I told him..." She muttered sadly.
"Did you know him?" Stefan asked.
"Yeah...he was my theatre professor. He was the one that told me about the vampires. The last thing I told him was to be careful. Now, look at him." She stated. Stefan looked passed the body to find a metal door "Rene..." He called back. She turned back around and looked to the spot. They both approached, the tunnel began to widen again. Rene touched the door handle and the goosebumps rose. Stefan felt the shift and looked at her "Are you okay?" He whispered.
"Whatever is behind this door...be careful." She warned. He looked worried for a moment before drawing his attention to the door again. She opened it and a wave of red energy threw them back down the tunnel, landing against the wall.

Everyone standing outside of the tunnel felt the earth move. Jack looked worryingly into the tunnel "Rene!" He shouted. Bonnie grabbed his arm "She's with Stefan! She'll be fine!" She assured.
"What is she isn't?" He replied whilst pulling his arm back "I'm going in to get her!" He shouted as he bolted into the tunnel.

"Are you okay?" Stefan asked as he pushed himself off of the infested floor with a groan.
"I'm fine!" Rene replied. Stefan put out his hand and Rene took it.
"Rene!" They heard. Stefan and Rene flashed the light down to see Jack making his way up to them. Rene and Jack embraced each other "We felt the ground shake." Jack mentioned.
"Whatever is through that door, doesn't want us going in," Stefan mentioned as he alerted Jack to the door. Jack's eyes fixed to the body "Shit..." He yelped as he bounced out of the way.

Damon and his group paused to the quake "What was that?!" Lilith questioned with a concerned tone to her voice.
"I don't know, but that was definitely no earthquake," Damon replied as he looked all around. Randall pointed towards the bunker door "There it is." He informed. They carefully approached the bunker door and opened the hatch. Damon turned to the others "Elena, Caroline, stay up here. I and the wolf gang will go check it out." He ordered. Grafton nodded and jumped down without warning.
"What about me?" Gabrielle asked. Damon turned around "Oh yeah...you stay up here too." He told. Gabrielle folded her arms and leaned back "Worried that I'll hurt you in the process?" She snapped back. Randall turned around "Just stay up here! Come down when something happens." He replied as he jumped down. Caroline and Elena looked at each other before looking at Gabrielle "What?..." She muttered. The two shrugged before looking around the forest.

Once the group was in the bunker, they walked carefully down the corridor. Dust collected over the walls and boxes. Once they got to the glass room, they spotted Rebekah sitting on a lone chair. 
"Be careful...she usually plays these tricks..." Damon warned. Randall, Grafton and Lilith began to undress. Damon looked back "What're you doing!" He whispered whilst covering his eyes. When he uncovered his eyes he saw the fully formed wolf. Damon's mouth gaped open slightly "Werewolves in Mystic Falls definitely don't look like that." He muttered. Randall kicked open the door. Rebekah jumped out of her seat "Now!" She shouted. The bunker went up in flames and Rebekah disappeared. The four turned around and spotted Klaus "There you are..." Damon called.
"Nice of you to visit!" Klaus replied as he held a bottle of vervain in his hands. He threw it but Grafton caught it. Klaus's expression soon dropped when Grafton cracked the bottle in his hands, crumbling the glass. Randall reached for Klaus, but he used his speed to dodge him. Klaus pulled out a stake and stabbed Randall in the back before disappearing. Randall roared and turned back to normal.

Rene winched and fell into Jack "What the fuck!" She shouted. Jack lifted her "What's wrong?!" Jack asked in a panic.
"It's Randall! Somethings happened to him!" She shouted. Stefan furrowed "Wait, what's going on?" He questioned as he placed his hand on her shoulder.
"Rene and Randall's hides are linked. If one gets badly hurt or gets in danger, the other will feel it." Jack informed then he pulled Rene up straight.
"We need to get through the door!" Rene shouted. 
"What we need to do, is get you back to the Den!" Jack told. 
"Once you heal Randall, you'll heal me! Go!" Rene ordered. Jack's eyes widened "I'm not leaving you! Fuck that!" He replied. Rene grabbed him by the shoulders and looked into his eyes "Jack! Go before I make you! I'll come back as soon as I figure out what's behind this door! Don't wait for me!" She told. Rene turned to Stefan "Get him out of here. Even if you have to drag him kicking and screaming!" She ordered. Stefan grabbed Jack "Come on! Let's go." He ordered. Jack looked back "If you're not back in an hour. I'm coming back!" He replied. Rene nodded and looked towards the door. 

Jack and Stefan exited the tunnel. Hamish peeked into the tunnel then towards Jack "Where's Rene?" He asked. Stefan moved Jack along "She's down there. Something's happened to Randall, and we need to get back to the den." Stefan replied. Bonnie looked back into the tunnel "Should I go in?" She questioned. Stefan looked back at Bonnie "No...Rene wanted everyone back." He followed through with her orders.
"I hope she knows what she's doing," Jeremy replied as he fixed his shoulders. 

Randall was dragged into the den "Someone please tell me whats happened to him!" Gabrielle shouted. Damon lay him on his stomach and lifted his shirt. The wound turned black and purple. Gabrielle's eyes widened and she rushed to his side. "He was stabbed with wolfsbane..." Lilith replied as she recognised the markings.

Rene began to feel the pain in her back disappear. She touched the door handle and felt the energy of the wave. She opened the door, but the door was pushing against her. She used all of her might to push it open. Red waves of energy pushed through her, creating the earth to rumble once again.

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