25 - Let Go

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"There it is again..." Caroline noted. Stefan, Bonnie, Hamish, Jack and Jeremy entered the den. Everyone looked at counted the heads "Wait...where's Rene?" Lilith pointed out. Randall looked over and fear filled his head.
"She told us to leave her behind. There's some sort of energy down in the tunnels...she's attempting to push passed it, but..." Stefan informed.
"But what?" Randall asked defensively.
"The energy pushed us both back...whatever it is, it's strong." He replied. Randall used all his might to push himself up "And you let her?!" He shouted. Stefan and Jack looked at each other "I did say if she wasn't back in an hour, I'd go back down for her." Jack informed.

Rene screamed as she used all her might to push open the door. Inch by inch, the door was close to opening. The door finally swung open, revealing a circular room. Red waves circled the entire room, creating an airwave. Rene put her hands out in front of her as the air hit her face. In the middle of the room was a rectangular brick stand, on top of it was a white ball which created the energy. She felt a suctioning power, which pulled her in. Her feet slid against the ground as she tried to hold herself back. She turned her body towards the door and leaned forward. Her heart raced as her fingers just reached the handle.

Jack paced back and forth as he stared at the clock. The hand hit it's final second and he took off "Where're you going?" Damon questioned.
"I'm getting Rene!" He shouted as he disappeared into the woods. Hamish quickly grabbed his jacket and chased after him.

Rene's feet kicked up into the air as the energy pulled her in. She groaned as her power was beginning to weaken, her fingers began to lose their grip and slid slightly off the handle. She peered back at the ball of energy. The red waves still circled strong. The ball let out a high pitched frequency. The will to hold on was disappearing. Rene closed her eyes and tears tripped her face. She had no choice but to let go. Once she let go, she felt a hand grab her, she looked up and saw Jack "I've got you!" He shouted. Hamish held onto wall, supporting Jack.
"Don't let go!" Hamish shouted.
"You have to let me go!" Rene shouted back. Jack couldn't believe the words that came out of her mouth.
"We can't lose you! Not again!" Jack shouted. Rene slowly smiled "Jack...let go." She said softly. Rene loosened her grip around his hand. Hamish tried pulling Jack closer to him. 
"Tell Randall that I love him, will you?" She muttered. 
"You can tell him yourself!" Jack shouted back. He was determined on not letting her go. 
"Goodbye..." She whispered. She fully let go, losing the connection between her hand and Jacks. The metal door shut and the sounds disappeared. Jack and Hamish froze on the spot. Jack tried reopening the door, but Hamish pulled him back "Jack..." He muttered repeatedly. Jack tried jumping out of his grip "We have to get her!" He yelled in determination. Jack pushed Hamish away "How can you be so fine with this!" Jack shouted. His eyes clouded up. 
"Of course I'm not fine with this, Jack!" Hamish shouted back. Jack leaned against the tunnel walls and tilted his head up. Hamish stood in front of him "It's Rene! She always finds a way! If not? We can get her ourselves. We managed to bring Lilith out of the demon realm. What makes you think we can't bring Rene back?" Hamish questioned optimistically. 
"We only got Lilith back because we knew where she was," Jack muttered as he pushed passed Hamish. 

Hamish and Jack entered the house feeling defeated. 
"They're back!..." Lilith exclaimed, but her smile soon faded when she noticed Rene was still not with them. Her lip began to tremble and her eyes filled with tears. She stepped back and shook her finger "Don't..." She started. Bonnie folded her arms and looked down at her feet. Elena and Caroline looked in shock.
"I'm sorry..." Hamish replied as he tried very hard to keep himself together. Jack walked to the nearest wall and punched it. Gabrielle looked at Randall, his eyes filled and he looked down at the floor. Grafton bravely spoke up "What happened?" He asked, but a part of him didn't want to know.
"The energy force that was in the tunnels pulled her in, we tried, but failed," Hamish replied. Grafton turned around whilst placing his hand against his mouth. Randall looked up with teary eyes "Is she?..." He failed to finish the sentence.
"I...don't know," Hamish replied sadly. Gabrielle placed her hand on Randall's back, comforting him. Elena looked at Bonnie "Do you see her?" She asked. Bonnie shook her head "No.".
"See her? What do you mean?" Grafton asked.
"Bonnie is an anchor. She's a gateway to the afterlife for every supernatural." Elena noted. Randall wiped his nose "So theirs a chance she's still alive?" He asked. Bonnie shrugged "I have no idea." She replied honestly. The room fell silent. Everyone bowed their heads in memory of her. Jack couldn't take it anymore and rushed upstairs.
"Jack," Hamish called as he followed him to the stairs.
"Don't!" Jack replied before slamming his bedroom door shut. Hamish bowed his head as he leaned against the bannister. Damon's eyes drifted the room "So..." He opened. Randall looked up at him "Are you serious?!" He questioned. He stood up to face him. His eyes were puffy from crying, and his cheeks were red. 
"I just lost my girlfriend and you show no remorse!" Randall shouted. 
"I barely knew the girl!" Damon defended.
"Damon!" Stefan shouted. Randall pushed passed him and into the kitchen. Gabrielle dirty looked Damon then followed Randall "Wait!" She shouted. Lilith slowly paced the room "I don't believe for a second that she's gone." She stated. Stefan went to walk outside. He tapped Hamish's back before doing so. 

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