Start from the beginning

He didn't want to know, he was too cool with it.

And also, what was wrong with P'Ohm?

Why wasn't he talking to him anymore? It wasn't like he had said anything in particular or told him to not talk, but it felt weird and Prem may have been a bit blunt and dumb but definitely not dumb enough to not realise if someone was ignoring him

"ah Prem, have a seat" Ohm said looking up from the screen in front of him.

"phi, is everything alright?" Prem said, anticipating.

"you tell me that Prem, is everything alright?"Ohm retorted.

"what do you mean Phi?"

"listen boy, first things first, do not try to play dumb with me, is that clear"Ohm said with a serious look on his face that only made Prem want to shrink back into the chair

"but phi, what do you mean? What did I even do?"the younger asked, genuine concern laced in his brows.

"I wanted to sort the situation out myself first so I didn't tell anyone else in the family. The tea that you took for Boun had a high dose of aconite or Wolfsbane in it which would've been lethal for him if it didn't by sheer luck fall on you instead, which caused the inflammation in your body"

"P'Ohm please, trust me, why would I ever do this? Why would I not take immediate action if I knew that the drink was poisoned? Why would I endanger my own life? And I already told you that very day in the hospital that P'Jess asked me to take the drink, I just followed whatever she said, I didn't do anything, please trust me" the younger cried as he fell on the floor, begging Ohm to listen to him.

"to answer that, Prem, I don't know. The best reason I have is, either you didn't know the intensity of the drug because you were instructed by someone else to do this, mishaps happen, you weren't careful enough, and then you tried to play it cool. I should never have trusted you, you are nothing but a disappointment, I don't even want to see your face anymore. To think that you tried to kill my brother, you disgust me Prem, get away from my sight this moment"

Prem fell apart at Ohm's words. No, he wasn't surprised at what he said. He knew very well he was a disappointment. He had been told that numerous times by his dad that it was now implanted in his memory forever.

But to hear it from the one person he trusted and grew to love so much, was heart wrenching.

"P' you can't do this, you have to hear me out. It's not me, I could never do such a thing, don't you trust me? I'm sure it's P'Jess, she gave me weird looks all the time, she wants me to get out of here, she hates me, Please P, I'll leave if that's what you want but atleast trust me, it's her, I think you should be aware of her, you should- "

"shut up!" Ohm banged his fist on the table that made Prem flinch "I've heard enough of your bullshit. You created a rift between us brothers, the brothers who never fought for even in 25 years, you're young and yet so cunning, just like your dad, ain't you? You think I'm going to trust you again like a fool? I called Jess earlier, and I have no reason to not believe her, even the chef confirmed the same thing she said, you think you can break our family like that?! You homeless rogue! "

Prem knew he was crying only when the tears gushed down his cheeks unceasingly "it's a lie" he whispered, retreating back.

"really? So you're telling me you know nothing about these?" Ohm said handing over a brown paper envelope from which the reports flung out and slid over his tablet, the screen glowed up as a video started playing.

In the video, it showed a clear image of Prem mixing some white powder into the teacup that he takes from the chef and walks into Boun's room. Prem stared at the video, the boy definitely looked like him, it was the same clothes he was wearing that day, he remembers because he was handed the shredded fabric when he left the hospital, which was cut open during his treatment.

"what can I do to make you believe it wasn't me?"prem said, his tears had dried up and he had an indecipherable expression platered on his face.

"don't think there's much you can do but I'll give you 3 days, if you fail to prove your innocence, I'll make sure Boun knows about this and you're given appropriate treatment, but remember this, there will be consequences" ohm said stoically as he waved him to go out.

Prem followed the commands and quietly got up and left. He should've known the very moment he smiled, that happiness has never lasted long enough for him, it has always served to be the calm before a storm. He clutched his head as he suddenly felt a searing pain shoot through his head, and steadied himself on the nearest surface he could clutch. The physical pain didn't even bother him as much as the events of the past hour did, his mind was in a turmoil, and he knew he was in this alone.

After all, he was exactly what Ohm had said, a homeless, parentless, rogue.

hello sweeties,

sorry for updating after this long, life's been so busy lately .

anyway hope you guys are doing great.

do you think Prem's gonna be able to prove his innocent? lemme know what you think! next update coming very soon!

don't forget to vote and comment if you liked it!!!

Ray :)

||SOLD|| A bounprem omegaverse story(in Collab With Astringentlysweet)Where stories live. Discover now