Chapter Four

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"I want you to help me find someone later," Taehyung said as he followed closely behind Jimin.

"Who?" Jimin asked, stopping at the exit of the chambers and turning to look at the redhead. "Someone here or outside?"

"Outside," the younger man answered.

They had just finished delivering the daily punishment for those stuck in the chambers. Well, Jimin just finished delivering the punishments, Taehyung just watched. There was something about the way Jimin talked and acted when he was doing his favourite job in The Family that was completely and utterly hot in Taehyung's eyes. He was waiting for the time when Ghost starts being negligent and Jimin would come crawling back to him as he always did.

But secretly, Taehyung was getting tired of it. But did that mean he was going to completely cut off everything with Jimin? No, no it did not.

"Why do you need to find them?" The blonde asked as he locked the door. "What's their name?"

"Jeon Jungkook."

Taehyung had heard one of the paramedics yell out the seizing boy's name after she found his wallet followed by the other paramedic who was supporting the boy's head calling out his name to keep him conscious.

"Is he your new victim?" Jimin asked to which Taehyung shrugged and replied, "we'll see."


Besides spending most of his time in the chambers brutally torturing those who are unloyal, those who were captured, and so on, Jimin also worked in the tech room alongside Ghost. He took up the hobby in order to be closer to his small boyfriend as Jimin may be unfaithful but he didn't like the idea of Ghost being unfaithful.

Talk of hypocrisy.

Plus, Jimin just liked to annoy Ghost.

Taehyung stood behind the two, glaring as he watched Jimin caress the back of Ghost's head, twisting the man's black strands around his small fingers. Every interaction between the two made Taehyung's blood boil. He knew Jimin could never be his, that was obvious with how frequently Jimin told him such.

"Is this him, Tae?" Jimin suddenly asked, bringing Taehyung out of his hate fest. He blinked, realizing he was glaring at Ghost who hasn't acknowledged his presence yet.

Taehyung looked up at the screen. Jimin had successfully narrowed down all the Jeon Jungkooks in the city to three people after going through the elimination process with Taehyung. The said man leaned forward and scanned the faces on rhe screen before nodding at the one in the middle.

"That's him," the redhead said.

Jimin clicked the profile in the middle and a bunch of information that no one besides people with skills like he, Ghost, and people in the FBI would be able to gather.

"Damn he has a fucking handful of problems," Jimin said, "maybe we could recruit him? The more trauma, the more you hate the world and the more you hate the world, the more you're willing to kill everyone in it."

Taehyung shook his head, leaning over Jimin so he could scroll down the boy's profile. He felt Ghost's eyes on him as he leaned further over Jimin but he ignored it. The eighteen-year-old was an online student living alone in an apartment complex a little far from where their shared house. He was deeply troubled, Taehyung realized, however, his medical records weren't accessible. Whoever the boy's doctor was - Dr. James Irel - he knew how to keep things hidden.

"Why are you interested in this kid anyway?" Jimin asked as Taehyung made him type in something to access more information. "I can get into his laptop if you give me five minutes."

"I saw him having a fit today," Taehyung explained. "Figured I'd do him a favour and put him out of his embarrassment. Plus, those who attempted to help him would be rather sad to find out he died."

"Awe," the blonde man cooed, "you're such a nice person, Taehyung. Ghost, isn't he a nice person?"

Ghost didn't say anything and opted for sending daggers through Taehyung's head. The redhead simply glanced at Ghost and contemplated triggering the man by touching Jimin somewhere Ghost would hate. But he didn't - though he wanted to. Instead, Taehyung peeled his violent gaze from Ghost and looked back at the computer screen, watching Jimin hack into Jeon Jungkook's laptop.

"I'll pull his home screen up," the blonde said, "and we'll have access to his stuff without him knowing."

"You could scare him a bit," the youngest in the room suggested.

"Of course, I do this on a daily basis," Jimin rolled his eyes, "still haven't managed to get into my dad's stuff day I will and then I'll drain his and mom's bank account and laugh as they lose their house and their cars, their status."

"Then we can pick them up off the streets and take them here," Taehyung suggested, enjoying the enthusiastic light in Jimin's eyes at the idea of finally getting back at his parents. Jimin had his reasons as to why he hasn't attacked his parents yet and they were similar to why Taehyung has yet to kill his "boss": there's a time and a place for everything.

Taehyung glances at Ghost again, smirking at the way the man's face continued to harden. The redhead knew that Ghost hated any interaction between him and his boyfriend. He also knew Ghost was mad that Jimin and Taehyung had something deep to bond over while they only had the love for their job. Trauma was deeper than a silly job and though Taehyung and Jimin never experienced the same thing, they both knew what it's like to feel abandoned and the overwhelming need for revenge.

They shared something that Ghost couldn't possibly understand.

Hell, Ghost didn't even know why he was recruited in the first place.

Taehyung turned his attention back to the screen, ignoring the burning in his chest as the reminder that his and Jimin's similarities meant nothing to the slightly older man.

Sometimes he wanted to kill Jimin.

But as he thought more about it, killing Yoongi was the better option. It would teach Jimin a lesson.

"Hello?" The said man snapped his fingers in Taehyung's face, "did you hear me?"


"Your victim is a huge fan," Jimin said, smirking, "he's obsessed with you."

Taehyung frowned and leaned in to read the screen. Sure enough, Jimin had pulled up written works from the eighteen-year-old's online writing platform and on one of the works Jimin pulled up was the word Red used as a name. As Taehyung read further, he realized it was definitely about him.

"This is different," Jimin laughed as he exited the work and scrolled through the boy's account, "this guy is in love with you."

Taehyung scoffed. "Well, what's his username?"

"You're going to look him up?" Jimin asked, raising an eyebrow, "you don't read."

"Well, wouldn't it be rude to ignore my admirer's works before I kill him?"

Jimin shrugged as he clicked away from the boy's account. He clicked on the person icon where his account information could be found.

"His username is bloodobsessed."

'Blooobsessed' Taehyung repeated in his mind followed by the boy's address.


Word Count: 1206

Deranged // TaekookUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum