Chapter Seventeen

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Im back bitches 🥳


"These names."

Taehyung slapped a piece of paper onto Yang Jungwon's desk, making the boy flinch as he frantically tried to exit his computer games. Taehyung sighed but didn't say anything.

"Find everything you can on them."

They were names Jungkook had written down as a list of people who have wronged him. Taehyung had been more than pleased when he saw the names Jeon Junshik and Jeon Miyan written as number one and two and as soon as he saw those names, he took it as approval to begin his first personal mission: capturing Jeon Junshik for ransom and watch their reputation set to flames. One of Hoseok's gangs were already on that, he expected the eight delinquents teens to have already found the house and are hopefully taking what they want, but also waiting for Junshik to show up.

Taehyung himself would have stalked the Jeon family, but he didn't want to waste his time. Seokjin would be on his ass soon and he'd rather get everything in line beforehand.

The other names included Schneider Daniel and Kim Yusan. There was a side note that stated there are more which confused Taehyung as he wondered why Jungkook hadn't written them down.

Nonetheless, he now needed information on Daniel and Yusan.

Jungwon worked silently, typing away on his computer while Taehyung stood behind him, his eyes boring into the screen. It didn't take very long looking for Daniel. Jungwon pulled his picture up along with his current and accurate information.

He was only a year older than Jungkook and was doing good in an undergraduate pharmacy program with a large following on Instagram and TikTok where he showed off how rich he was. He had a girlfriend and lived on his own still in Korea. It made Taehyung wonder just what exactly Daniel had done to Jungkook for the boy to want him dead.

Kim Yusan's was more interesting. He too was a year older than Taehyung's plaything but he had a lengthy delinquent history and was currently residing in a group home that was surprisingly close to the mafia.

"I hope that's enough, I can write down addresses for you," Jungwon offered to which Taehyung nodded. The boy grabbed a neon green sticky note from a drawer on the front of his desk along with a sharpie before quickly scribbling the addresses.

Taehyung slapped $500 down on the table and Jungwon happily took it, pocketing it before someone saw it. He'd have to put half of it in the contributions if they saw it, but Taehyung has already made it clear that the money is his and so he has the right to keep all of it therefore, he wasn't going to give a penny of it to the mafia.

"I'll probably need you again," Taehyung said, "so pay attention to your phone."

"Yes sir."


Taehyung slapped a picture of Daniel and another of Yusan onto Jungkook's counter. He had waited patiently outside the boy's apartment for about two hours before Jungkook arrived from his planned activity. He hadn't meant to sneak up on the naturally fearful boy, but he still managed to startle him in the hallway.

Jungkook had let him and requested quietly and politely for him to take his shoes off to which Taehyung complied with. He didn't want to stay long, however, he planned to watch the news with Jungkook to make the boy aware that his father is now in their hands. He wanted to see Jungkook's reaction. Would the twisted boy show satisfaction? Worry? Fear?

Right now, the news wasn't reporting the story, however, he was sure socialite Jeon Junshik Taken For Ransom would make headlines. He couldn't wait to see Mrs. Jeon's crying face as she pleads for her husband back.

Deranged // TaekookTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang