Chapter Eighteen

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⚠️ Use of the f slur, it's censored along with the word r**e ⚠️


Hoseok read over everything Taehyung had written down for him for when he talks to Mr. Jeon. He didn't have much to say as this was apparently personal for Taehyung but Taehyung had been away from the mafia for almost two days and made no hint of coming home which meant he was on one of his hunting trips. Or so Hoseok assumed. The younger man had requested Hoseok do the questioning, much to his dismay.

Nonetheless, Hoseok decided he'd give his best shot at shaming the man for his past actions against his now eighteen-year-old son. It confused Hoseok beyond words as to why Taehyung had taken interest in kidnapping for ransom and why his notes were mostly about getting him to confess to his wrongdoings towards the eighteen-year-old Jeon Jungkook. Why was he seeking justice for a boy no one knew? Hoseok had no idea, but he knew better than to ask. Though he did try going through their employee files and found no Jeon Jungkook.

Hoseok stood by the bathroom, waiting for Kya who made sure to tell him several times not to leave her. He was reading over Mr. Jeon's files and Taehyung's notes while he tapped his fingers impatiently against his thigh and occasionally checked his watch, wondering what was taking to the girl so long.

Kya became his sole responsibility at some point during her training when she attached herself to him after realizing Taehyung didn't care about her. Hoseok didn't like it at first as he wasn't used to children liking him or people touching him so much, but eventually, he got used to it and actually began liking her clinginess. It was adorable and it awakened some paternal instinct inside of him that he only had for his brother. All those years ago...

How long has it been?

Hoseok shook his head, he didn't need to think about that right now.

Kya finally walked out of the bathroom, wiping her hands on her pants that had paint all over them. "Sorry, got my period."

Hoseok's eyes widened. "Your what?"

"Period," she said with a frown, "and this cuntface started laughing at me in there when I asked her what to do like what the fuck do I know about a fucking period? How come you never warned me about this? Am I even old enough for this? I'm like eleven, am I okay?"

"This is a conversation I don't want to be part of," Hoseok said, "but if you need to talk to—"

"I'm definitely not talking to someone about blood oozing out of my—"

"Okay!" Hoseok laughed and playfully pushed the girl forward, "moving on! You got everything under control I assume?"

Kya nodded as she turned and pushed him back. The two of them started pushing and shoving each other towards the elevator. Once they stepped in, Kya asked for the files so she could get a feel of what they're dealing with, but Hoseok rejected her, saying,

"This is a private affair, Red made it clear he didn't want anyone in the room with me," he said apologetically, "but you can help Veleno."

"I don't want to help Veleno, he's weird and he always makes me do stupid shit like making him coffee or something" Kya frowned.

"Well, you can either do that or stand outside in the hall and be bored," Hoseok said.

The eleven-year-old groaned, but nonetheless, made her way towards Jimin's office as soon as the elevator opened. Hoseok walked in the opposite direction, flipping through the small file once again just to get his mood in the right place. He ran his fingers through his red hair as he stopped in front of the door to the room where Mr. Jeon was being held. He looked down the hall just as Kya walked through the set of push doors at the end that lead deeper into the bottom part of the building where Jimin's second office was located.

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