Y: the door is unlocked

I couldn't even get through the door before I was scooped and attacked. I giggle wrapping my legs around his body letting him kiss all over my neck. Yuko comes to a stop to hug me tight.

"How have you been?" He kisses my lips taking me into my room. "Decent, less stressed. I'm thinking about actually going back to school."

"Career change, huh?" He places chin in the crook of my neck. "Yeah, I've always wanted to take a risk at medicine."

"Well, I will pay for you to go."

"No the preparatory is paying for forty percent. I'll get the rest from FAFSA." I lean more into his chest.

"As long as you are doing right by me and not out there just doing anything, I'll pay your way. End of discussion, baby girl." He shrugged causing my brow to rise.

"Suit yourself." I peck his forehead pressing my body against his groin.

"You're need a nap?" Yuko brush his warm thumbs against my back.

"I would like that, yes. But I have to go in a few." I dug my toes under his shirt contrasting my cold feet with his warm back. Yuko chuckles bring  us to the pillows, tucking me in his bear hug under the covers.

We both have our selves an hour and thirty reboot before we departed ways.

At the corner of my bed, I searched for a playlist to set my mood before picking out a light makeup look.

I stripped down naked preparing a pile for my shower. My towel, cherry blossom body wash and lotion set, and my chocolate brown cotton fabric bra and thong lingerie were all waiting for me to boss up.

I walk out into the living room, covering my breast with the pile whilst effortlessly balancing the small black speaker on top.

Yuko exits his room bare as ever, staring me down in surprised. His eyes jump every where letting his excitment grow large.

"My apologies for the sight, I'm just very overwhelmed in awe." Yuko let's out a shy laugh trying to hide a length, even his hand were small for.

I release a casual laugh giving him a once over. "I understand, Yuko."

I wasn't turned on as he was but trust me I would be on my knees. My weight shift with a lip bite. "We can shower together, if it won't be a pain."

He keeps eye contact, nodding. "Yeah."

I took that initiative to push open the door flicking on the light with my elbow. "If you can't shower without boning me, I'm moving out." I warn playfully setting everything down on the sink basin as he turns on the water.

"Easy. All because my penis is hard doesn't automatically mean I want to fuck." He chuckles cracking his neck.

"So if my vagina starts throbbing and getting wet, that's the same?" I arch my brow in genuine curiosity.

"You could be stressed." He shrugs sliding the left glass door close to open the right.

"And why do you know this?"

"I may or may not have went to school to be a sex therapist..." Yu's neck beams red.

"For profession or just for fun?" I ask walking up to his tall back.

"Well I want to be a father to a huge family so I kinda picked something that could help me." He turns around looking down at me.

"That's sounds very, very careful and considerate. Your wife will be lucky as fuck because not a lot of men think about it. Some men think it's just having sex raw and boom she pregnant." I meet his eyes in admiration.

He bends his knees to give me a chaste kiss before entering the shower.

I grabbed my soap joining in behind him.


I laid my ear against his back, closing my eyes. The sound of birds and foot shuffling outside. I recognize the memory so I stayed calm letting the scene unfold. A younger voice of a boy vibrates against my ear.

"Aya, I'm not going anywhere. They are trying to get to you to attack me but I won't let anything happen. Are you okay?" The voice blends into Yuko's matured voice bringing me out of the trance.

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay." I kiss his shoulder blade. "Are you finished washing?"


In reality I was in a daze, unable to process my emotions. I squeezed his skin similar to the way a kitten would feeding from it's mother.

"It's his fault." My internal dialogue floods my brain. I tried to stabilize my breathing but my heart's pumping too fast.

He turns the shower off with a sigh. "Baby, are you sure? You are very quiet."

"I feel a little fatigue but I'll get over it."

"You feel scorching and your shaking. Aya, you're not going out."

"Yes I am. I just need some time." I glance at myself in the mirror clutching the brown towel.

"You look like you've seen a ghost." He examines my eyes.

It felt like I have a ghost. Everytime I'm intimate with Yuko there's something hovering over me. It's not fair to him that I'm having shortcomings with my recovery.

"Yuko, it's a possibility that someone that I was close or even in a relationship with has died and I couldn't even remember them! You're triggering me." I bite my lip hugging his wet torso listening to his heart beat faster, but not at the rate of mines.

"Fuck... Aya I'm so sorry for putting you through this much pain. I'm sorry that I left you... please forgive me..." Yuko drops down on his knees letting his tears fall against my stomach.

So he left me? For what? Dead?

"Yuko..." My chest heaves in frustration, relief, and hurt all at the same time but my body refuse to process it. "You sat here and lied to me knowing that this is taking a mental toll on me. Yuko what the hell is wrong with you? Letting me believe that you were good to me. Whole time you tried to kill me?" I backed away from him wrapping myself in a towel rushing to my room.

My aggression took took full force throwing my quartz cluster across the room ending in a piercing scream. I knew I would've had blood on my hands if it was Yuko's head slammed into the shower tiles. I care about him too much for that.

"Open the door, baby..." A soft knock sounds after a couple of minutes. I finished dressing up with minor make up, opening up the door. Yuko looks at my outfit with a dishearted look on his face.

"Move." I huff pushing his face out the way with purse and keys in hand.

"Don't wait up either."


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