Review-4(The Undivulged Son)

91 13 2

Title: The Undivulged Son

Author: @Egwuji

Reviewer: kinalhariya

Title :
Fantastic Title. It is unique and it's meaning is a perfect fit for the story.

Cover :
Cover is no doubt attractive. I was in confusion as white wings are normally for angels and not devils, but all the confusion evaporated when I read the prologue, especially the last sentence. Inshort, cover is really eye-pleasing.

It is intriguing to say the least. It managed to grab my attention. Even if I wasn't reviewing it, I would have read your book, just by looking at your blurb. Good Job. Just capitalize the 's' of the word soon in 3rd paragraph.

Plot :
Coming to the story, Opening is very important, as most of the readers decide whether to read or leave your story there itself. You have given a great start. It hooked me in right there and I felt really excited to read your story further.

As the chapters passed by, story became more and more interesting. Plot twists were remarkable, they didn't break the balance of the story and were thrilling.

Story is moving on a perfect face and all the characters are well developed. it is easy to distinguish their personalities and actually imagine the scenes.

i particularly loved how you ended all the chapters, each and every one.

Grammar and punctuations :
For grammar, commas where missing in lots of places and there were few typos. Tenses fluctuated rapidly in the first chapter, but the same problem wasn't found in other chapters.

Apart from minute errors, story was as at a level of perfection. Great work!!
Looking forward for more updates.

Thanks and regards,

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