Review 25 (Rebels and Rivals)

24 7 4

Title: Rebels and rival

Author: UnknownName824

Reviewer: Meem_1495

As said it is not cliche and that is a totally amazing, I love, absolutely love the originality of the story.

Breaking of stereotypes is a nice idea and has been well implemented.
The whole chapter about LGBTQ+ is totally something I am going to recommend people to read because I was very impressed the way it's been written.

The cover if seen breaking stereotypes as it is totally not a normal cover which would be called beautiful attractive and stuff. I felt the cover depicting the feel of the story itself.

The blurb is perfect and in the end I have only one thing to say ~
" One day you'll be dead. Live the rest of your life as a REBEL. Bring change"

I support your story and would love to see you continue it. ✊

Thanks for choosing me ~

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