Review-28 (Love shouldn't hurt)

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Book: Love shouldn't hurt

Author: @zmswift

Reviewer: MochiKremy

Cover and Title : (10/10)
Your cover and title matches perfectly and I love it. Kudos to your cover's designer, it's great♡

Blurb : (10/10)
I really like your blurb so much... your blurb makes me wanna read you book so badly. I'm a very picky reader and I know, just by your blurb, that I'm gonna live your book. Good job!

First chapter : (13/15)
Your first chapter was awesome. I enjoyed reading it a lot. You started with a sad quote and it interested me. I really like your writing technique too. But the only faults I find here is, one, there was a few spelling and grammar mistakes. Two, the paragraphs seemed too long. Try to break one long paragraph into two or more. That would make you story look more presentable because some people do not like to read lengthy paragraphs and avoid them if they look too long.

Plot : (24/25)
Your idea is unique and cool. It makes so interested to read your book and its exactly my cup of tea♡

Grammar spelling and vocabulary : (19/20)
I spotted a few mistakes here and there at some parts of the story, but that can be fixed with some editing :)♡

Character Development :(10/10)
You started every chapter with a quote, but as long as I've read, it feels like its depending on how the protagonists feel, that's how I felt it was, I'm sorry if I'm wrong. But, your character development was great. And I also, really felt the feeling in the first chapter when you told the readers on how she missed her mother and regretted some things.

Enjoyment :(10/10)
Good job♡

Total- [96/100]

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