Review-17(Lets Plan my Murder)

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Book: Let's Plan my Murder

Author: @shwetaKumari426

Reviewer: MochiKremy

Cover and Title : (10/10)

I think you're cover and title matches perfectly and it makes me really interested to keep on reading. I noticed the various silhouettes in the background of your cover and its really detailed.

Blurb : (9/10)

I'll be honest, your blub was nice but it didn't really pull me in. I think it can be more interest in if you would shorten it and add some fun texts or anything like that. It's just my opinion, it's totally up to you. You're current blurb is not that bad. It's great and interesting.

First Chapter : (15/15)

Your first chapter was really great. I was so interested, the starting to the end, everything was just so interesting. The end was a great cliffhanger and I immediately wanted to know what had happened. It was a great hook.

Plot : (25/25)

Your story is unique, a girl pairing up with a guy to plan her own murder to revenge on her ex was the last thing I expected and I really like the way your book is written. It was really descriptive and fun to read. I enjoyed reading your book.

Character Development :(9/10)

I really like your characters but I feel like the character development was a bit lacking. I mean, most I your character's traits were telling not showing. The only thing that I could make out about your character without you mentioning was that your character was crazy in love with her boyfriend who she had break up with. Other than this, your book's amazing♡

Grammar vocabulary and Spelling: (18/20)

I really like your story even though I noticed some grammatical errors in some parts of your story

Enjoyment : (10/10)

Great job♡


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