This was definitely unusual.

He paced the length of the room, his mind working and reworking what he'd seen. If Renata was anyone else, he wouldn't have hesitated in letting the doctor know the truth. Whatever happened then would be none of his concern.

Aloysius: Show me again.

After a slight hesitation, Renata took the flower and placed it on her palm again. She looked at him and he nodded, trying to put her mind at ease.

Aloysius: It's alright. Don't be afraid.

Renata: I'm not afraid.

She said it so firmly that it made him smile. Despite her pretty dresses and manners of a princess, his sister had a heart forged of steel. His own steely heart pounded harder.

Renata turned her attention to the flowers. With a small crease between her eyebrows, she focused on the bloom. Slowly it rose from her hand as Aloysius watched in stunned silence. It revolved slowly in the air.

Aloysius: Incredible...

Renata: What does this mean?

Her troubled gaze shot to his, and for the first time, he noticed the sheen in her eyes. She might say that she wasn't afraid, but she was. And she should be.

Aloysius: I don't know.

He studied her face, fighting the strong urge to take her into his arms again and hold her tight. His gaze brushed over her features, her small, straight nose, her high cheekbones, her full red lips. The doctor's eyes were dark brown, his own were the same. But Renata's eyes stood out like sapphires, like precious jewels.

She was so incredibly difficult it took his breath away.

Renata: What is it? Do you see something on my face that shows I'm touched by this evil?

He knew the stories of witches, those who could use magic on behalf of evil. They sacrificed a part of themselves each time to perform these acts, raining terror down on the good people of the world. The thought that nothing happened to Renata made him hopeful and terrified all at once.

A shudder of fear and revulsion quaked through him. He pushed back from Renata and went to the door to check if anyone lurked outside. Then he closed the door and locked it.

Renata: It's the same power as witches. They were evil!

Aloysius didn't speak for a full minute, his eyes cast downward at the floor. Slowly he raised his gaze to his sister's.

Aloysius: Can you lift anything heavier than a flower?

Renata: I don't know. Please, Aloysius, tell me what to do. Don't hate me for keeping this secret for so long. You can't turn your back on me now.

He frowned at her words.

Aloysius: You think I'd do that?

Renata: If this magic is evil...

Aloysius: It's not.

She frowned now.

Renata: Witches have been tortured and executed for what I can do.

Aloysius: If a witch could really do what you can, she would never let herself be executed.

As he said it, the certainty of his words rang true to him.

Aloysius: If anyone buried or beheaded had been capable of true magic, they would've been able to use that magic to save themselves.

Renata: You don't think witches are evil?

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now