The Family Get Together (Finale)

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-Wayne Manor-

Damien- Is everyone here yet? I wanna start. 

Dick- Calm down, we're just waiting on two more people. 

Duke- This was an awesome idea Dick, family movie night I think is exactly what everyone needed.

Tim- It's good to have you Duke.

Everyone was gathered in the living room for movie night. Dick thought it would be a good chance to really welcome Jason by having everyone over, he also just really wanted to watch a movie. 

Barabra- Awwww, that story is so sweet.

Jason- Only you would find a story where I get beat up and kidnapped, sweet.

Barabra- Well the overall story's not, but the hug at the end is.

Damien- There was NO hug.

Kate- What the hell did I just walk into?

Kate Kane and Luke Fox then walk into the living room finally completing the family.

Steph- It's about time.

Kate- Sorry, traffic.

Dick- And what's your excuse? You got a flying suit of armor.

Luke- I got here didn't I? Oooo popcorn.

Luke reaches for the popcorn bowl in Cass' lap but she pulls out a ninja star and points it at his hand, staring him in the eyes with a death glare while she does so.

Cass- No… mine.

Steph- *chuckles* She really likes popcorn, there's some more in the kitchen, help yourself, there's plenty.

Luke- You know what, suddenly popcorn don't seem so great.

Luke shuffles away from the popcorn crazed assassin and sits across the room.

Dick- Alright guys settle down I'm gonna start the movie. 

-Wayne Manor Entrance Hall-

Alfred sweeps the floors in front of the front doors humming a tune to himself when the doors begin to open.

Alfred- Ah, Master Bruce, you've returned. Oh dear…

Bruce- What Alfred?

Alfred- You came in the front door.

Bruce- Yeah?

Alfred- You left in the Batplane, sir.

Bruce- Oh right, you're gonna have to contact Lucius about that. 

Alfred- I believe that's the 3rd Batplane this year, sir.

Bruce- Yeah, that sounds about right. Markovia was a bust though, the league just sent me on a wild goose chase and it lead me to some not so easy fly zones. They seemed to have wanted me out of Gotham so they planted evidence that would lead me to Markovia.

Alfred- Ah, yes we figured that already, sir.

Bruce- Well, assuming the city isn't being run by a criminal overlord, I'd say that nothing bad happened while I was gone.

Alfred- Yes, your absence may not have been totally required however, I feel the league, overestimated our opponents. I doubt even if you were in the city, that they could have taken you down.

Bruce- Who'd you get to watch the city anyway?

Alfred- Oh, no one in particular, sir.

Bruce- What do you mean?

A Little Thing Called Family- Batfam AdventureTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang