Set up

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Bruce- Computer, have you finished tracing where the substance originated from?

Computer- Indeed, substance still unknown, however traces can be tracked all the way to Markovia.

Bruce- Markovia? Haven't been there in a while. Alfred call Wayne Enterprises, tell them I'll be missing any meetings for the next week or so.

Bruce stands from his chair and starts to make his way over to the bat plane, walking past Alfred.

Alfred- What excuse shall I use this time, sir?

Bruce- Try a safari expedition. I don't think I've used that one yet.

Alfred- Indeed Master Bruce. 

Bruce then hopes in to the pilot seat of the bat plane and turns on the engine.

Alfred- Sir?

Bruce- Yes Alfred?

Alfred- Which members of the family should I call to watch over the city while you're away?

Bruce- You can decide. I trust your judgment Alfred.

With one final smile to Alfred, Bruce pulls his cowl over his head and the bat plane begins to ascend. The engine starts to roar and within seconds it disappears from the batcave.

Alfred- I think you would know by now that my judgment usually includes decisions like I'm about to make.

Alfred smiles and makes his way over to the batcomputer.

Alfred- Computer, contact ALL members of the batfamily excluding master Bruce, do it individually, so they don't know the rest are coming.

Computer- Message sent.

Alfred- Time for them to have another get together.

Nightwing hits another thug in the back of the head. He then ties up all five thugs and leaves them for the cops, when he hears a ring on his phone. He takes it out seeing the all iconic bat symbol.

Dick- The bat is away so the bird will play!

-Undisclosed location-

Red Robin and Spoiler are taking down several members of the League of Assassins. Suddenly three more fall from a cliff onto the pile of unconscious assassins, and on top of the pile lands Orphan.

Tim- Jeez Cass you could be a little less aggressive with em next time.

Cass- No.

Suddenly all three of them hear a ring in their pockets and pull out their phones. They then look and each other and nod. 

Steph- Lets go home!

-San Francisco-

Robin kicks another thug into a wall and clicks his communicator. 

Damien- Titans I'm about to make my way back to the tower.

Damien starts to grapple onto a roof next to him when he hears the ring. Without even looking at it he squints his eyes and clicks his communicator again.

Damien- Scratch that, I may not be back for a while. 

-Warehouse somewhere in the midwest-

Red hood finishes gunning down a warehouse full of thugs and then shot some on the ground for good measure.

He walks to a table in the middle on the warehouse and sees all the bags full of money, and he lights the with a match.

Jason- That'll send a message.

*ring* *ring*

Jason pulls of his phone and removes his helmet, and groans.

A/N- This is just kinda the set up chapter to get things rolling. I hope to make the next few ones longer. I literally came up with this idea during my online class and wanted to write it immediately, I also thought this might be one I would like to share with people. Please give me any pointers you got I am not a professional writer by any means, this is just me having a good time writing stories.

Thank you

A Little Thing Called Family- Batfam AdventureOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz