Family is...

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It's dark, if you wanted a description of where Jason found himself, that was it, pure pitch black nothingness. 

Jason- Hello?

Jason had been awake for about two hours now, or at least he was pretty sure, he was pretty good at telling the passage of time, even without the sun or moon. 

Jason- Isn't the whole point of kidnapping someone usually to ask them questions, or at least to come and take a picture of me as proof of life for some ransom, but ain't no one I know wanna pay money for me.

Jason still got no response but decided to continue anyway.

Jason- So I'm gonna assume that, this is your first kidnapping, overall it was lazy and you haven't even talked to me yet so, I'll give ya a C, plenty of room for improvement. 

The lights in the room suddenly turn on and Jason find that he is in a 10' by 10' room with white walls, floor and ceiling.

Jason- Oooo a nice white esthetic… C+.

The door to the room opens and in comes a man in a black and white suit with a mask on his face, one that looks like an owl.

Owl- You have a very snarking mouth.

Jason- What can I say, I was a Robin, it might as well be a requirement, really balances out with the Bat.

Owl- Have you no sense of what is happening? You have been kidnapped, how are you so calm.

Jason- Because I always find a way out, everytime.

Owl- Ah, is your way this time to wait for your family to find your distress beacon, we found that when we got here, worried us for a bit, but…

Jason- Let me guess, they haven't shown up yet, give it another hour, they'll be here.

The man in the owl mask has slowly been making his way across the room to Jason and is now standing over him. It was at this moment that Jason realized he had chains on his arms and legs.

Owl- You seem, so sure. Do you know how long you were out for. 12 hours. They still aren't here, even 2 hours after you've awakened.

Jason, Well s***.

Jason still kept up a calm face and started fiddling with his chains.

Owl- Try as you will you won't get those off.

Jason smiles to himself and looks the owl mask in the eyes.

Jason- What's this organization called anyway?

Owl- As if I would reveal such things.

Jason chuckles.

Jason- I wasn't talking to you bird brain, I was talking to the other bird brain.

The owl turns around to see the Bat family standing in the open doorway. Nightwing drops an owl mask in his hand on the ground.

Dick- Court of Owls. 

Jason- Now that just sounds lazy. Any connection with another secret group we know.

Damien- Nah, just a bunch of rich snobs from Gotham.

Jason- Oh, that's my least favorite kind of people.

Owl- How? How did you get in here?

Steph- Your facility isn't that well guarded.

The owl pulls a gun out and aims it at Nightwing.

Owl- I will not allow you to make a mockery of the court.

A Little Thing Called Family- Batfam AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now