A Broken Family

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-Wayne manor dining hall-

A sound not heard in these halls for a long time. Group laughter. Of course there was the odd laughs when Dick and Jason were starting as Robin, but the last time there was a sizable group, having a big hearty laugh, was a lifetime ago. 

Alfred never really left. He stands just outside the door to the dining hall listening to the laughter. Never before had he heard a more beautiful sound.

Inside the dining hall. Was a bunch of broken kids. All having gone through their trauma, all having shed their tears. But today they laugh, even with one that many would call an outsider. 

They told stories of their most recent criminals that they put away, Jason obviously kept his stories much closer to the chest, knowing his wouldn't bring the same joy theirs would.

It was pure, it was fun, it was a family.

Suddenly however, Jason stands up and starts walking towards the door. 

Dick- Jason? Is something wrong?

Jason turns the corner and stops, seeing the old man with tears of joy in his eyes.

Jason- Get in here old man. You're a part of this too.

Alfred didn't wait for him to ask twice. 

-3 hours later-

Dinner had been finished ages ago, but that didn't matter. What mattered? They were all together.

Peace though, never last forever.

The alarms from the batcomputer begin to blare all throughout the house.

Dick- Computer? What's the problem? 

Computer- Bane has decided to make an appearance. Motives seem unknown. He's just destroying cars and street lamps.

Dick- He's trying to get the attention of the bat.

Jason- Well he got ours.

Tim- Ooooo, I've always wanted to so this, can I say it?

Damien- No!

Jason- Knock yourself out kid.

Tim(horrible batman impression)- To the batcave.

Steph- That was disappointing. 

Tim- Aw come on.

-Time jump-

-Streets of Gotham-

Bane throws another car into a building.

Bane- Where's the bat?

Police cars surround Bane.

Commissioner Gordon steps out from one of the cars with a megaphone in hand.

Gordon- Bane please turn yourself in, make this easier on all of us.

Damien- When has that ever work Commissioner? 

Robin lands on top of one of the police cars and points his sword at Bane.

Damien- Let's get this over with meathead. I was having a nice stress free night.

Bane- I said the Bat, not you little niño.

Dick- What about me?

Nightwing appears behind Bane and he tries shocking him with an escrima stick. It doesn't phase him.

Damien- When has that one ever worked?

Bane turns around towards Nightwing and slams his fist down towards him. Nightwing pulls from his old circus days and flips out of the way 

Dick- It doesn't. But this does.

As he says this Red Robin and Spoiler each throw their own projectiles cutting the venom tubes on Bane's back.

Bane- Agh.

Orphan finally drops down from a nearby roof and lands on Banes shoulders and puts him in a sleeper hold.

Cass- Sleep.

The team gathers in front of Bane as he starts to lose consciousness. 

Dick- Go team. 

He holds up his hand for a high five but instead is hit by Orphan flying through the air as Bane had escaped from the hold.

Bane- You think you can beat me. I've broken the bat before. Imagine what I can do to each one of you.

The family readies themselves for the oncoming battle when…

*Bang* *Bang*

Bane falls onto his hands.

Bane- What the?

Red hood finally comes out of the shadows holding two pistols, both still trained on the luchador. 

Jason- And I've taken down whole crime families in a matter of two hours. I ain't afraid of you.

Dick- Jason, what are you doing?

Jason- Neutralizing the man that was gonna cripple you all. You're welcome.

Tim- You could have killed him?

Jason- Be glad I didn't. Bruce is lucky I follow his little code while I'm here but that doesn't stop me from using these. I hit him in the legs, he's fine.

The police start to take Bane away in cuffs, but are practically dragging him because of the loss of leg use.

Damien- I'll go question him, you guys, figure this out.

Damien walks over to Bane and begins to grill him in Damien fashion. 

Dick- You know how Bruce feels about guns.

Jason- Yeah, I feel a bit differently. 

Dick- You see, this is your problem. You're not willing to change, you can't put this violent streak behind you. 

Jason- Why should I? Arkham has a revolving door, one of which is my killer by the way. And Bruce has done NOTHING to stop it.

Dick- If you kill then you're…

Jason- Oh save your breath. I've heard that enough times in my life.

Dick- It's true.

Jason removes his helmet furious.


Computer- Pardon the interruption. 

Jason doesn't remove eye contact. 

Dick- What is it Computer?

Computer- There seems to be some radiation coming off of Bane's body.

Jason finally looks away.

Jason- It's just the venom, same thing happened to me when I used it.

Computer- No, this is different. It's radiation more attuned to…

The realization of what the computer was referring to hit Jason like a ton of bricks.

Jason- A bomb! DAMIEN!

Jason rushes over to Damien and gets in between him and Bane. The only thought in his head was 'not again'.

Damien- What are you…


A/N: I dreaded making this chapter but I also felt it is exactly what is needed. I'm trying to make this more about the batfamily's relationship with Jason and not as much Batman's but as I was writing this I realized, they really go hand in hand.

Also I have a vague plan on the whole of the series and I'm thinking this could, if I play my cards right, end up being about 15 chapters and not feel drawn out or too short.

Thank you

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