It was an Accident

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-Unknown corner of Gotham-

???- Hmmm, what shall I do today?

No one answer the crazy voice as he talks to himself.

???- How shall I try to catch Batsy today?

Joker finally steps into the light looking into a mirror.

Joker- You got any ideas pal? Stop that! Stop copying me! Grrrr!

Joker picks a bat up off the floor and swings it at the mirror.

Joker- Hahahahahaha! Now you can't copy anything.

???- You're insane.

Joker- Guilty!

Joker turns to someone standing in the shadows.

Joker- And who might you be?

???- Someone that can help you ease your boredom.

Joker- Really?

Joker does not look amused.

Joker- I don't take orders.

???- You don't have a choice.

Joker- Wha…

Suddenly a boot kicks Joker square in the face, knocking him out.

-Gotham Rooftops-

The group had split up into teams, Robin and Orphan, Red Robin and Spoiler, Nightwing and Red Hood. Currently Nightwing and Red Hood were jumping from roof to roof.

Dick- You're getting a little slow there.

Jason- I never get slow.

Jason starts to pick up his pace and for extra measure does a few somersaults over the gaps between buildings. 

Dick- Showoff.

Jason- Look who's talking.

Suddenly, sirens from police vehicles go blaring past them.

Jason- Duty calls.

The two land on the ground in front of a building with about fifteen police cars surrounding it. 

Dick- Commissioner! What's going on?

Gordon- We had reports of the Joker being in that building.

Dick- Any other info?

Gordon- That's all we got. He escaped from Arkham just this morning, wasn't even released as public info yet and then we got the call.

Dick- Alright. Red Hood why don't you start with the ground floor I'll take top and close him in.

Jason- With pleasure.

Gordon- We already sent men inside but, this is the Joker, can't be too careful.

Nightwing uses his grappling hook to zip up to the top floor, while Red Hood goes in the front. 

Red Hood begins room checks and makes his way up to the third floor without any issue.

Jason- Must be your lucky day Joker, you don't get to feel my wrath.

Jason keeps checking rooms and finds an officer down on the ground.

Jason- Shit!

He runs to his side and tries to check for a pulse but…

Joker- Gotcha!

It was the Joker dressed as an officer and he pulls out a syringe and stabs him in the arm.

Jason- Agh.

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