Chapter 26: Allies and Secret Agents

Start from the beginning

"Okay, my turn for a question," Green said. "Mentally, are you feeling okay?"

Blue thought about that for a minute.

"I… I honestly don't know."

"I figured. You've been quiet ever since the double kill. I assume you were dealing with your morals?"

Quietly, Blue nodded.

Green looked her in the eye. "I get that it's your first mission, but you can't dissociate again if you're an imposter. I need you, Blue. You're my partner, and partners do the job together."

Blue sighed deeply. 

"You know what, I have another question," Green said.


"After we killed Fuchsia and Cobalt, you opted out - you didn't act like an imposter or a crewmate. You weren't helping me, but you weren't helping them either. I get that you were questioning the morality of the situation, but from here on out, you need to pick a side."

Blue blinked at him again, thinking. What side AM I on?

Green continued, "since I'm not unreasonable, and I don't want to force you anymore, I'll give you some options. If you decide this isn't for you and you don't want to have the delight of my company, you can leave when we get back to Earth. I'll let you leave without any threats, betrayals, or strings attached, and I'll tell Maelstrom you were voted off the ship and died - you'll have to stay out of the space program and far away from SSOUI, but you'll be free. I won't judge or hate you for choosing that - frankly, part of me would envy you.

"On the other hand, you can stay with me and continue to be an imposter, but you'll have to embrace the killing part of the job. That means no more opting out, and no more ignoring me, because I am your partner, and, contrary to popular belief, I do have feelings. If you do decide to be an imposter, just know that there's no going back. You'll forever be a fugitive, and the only way out of being an imposter is by dying - either by the hands of crewmates, or by the hands of SSOUI.

"So, those are your options, Blue. Either you fully join me as an imposter, or you leave. What is it going to be?"

He stood up and held his hand out towards Blue, and she could see that he was silently willing her to join him.

If I join, there's no going back.

Where else can I go? Back home? 

That's not an option. I left my parents behind, and I'm not looking back.

Do I even have anyone else?

I left Talon with Black, right?

He’s better off with her. After all, what kind of child has a killer for a sister??

What about Red? Black? Pink? Purple? Blue’s mind whispered.

They’re gone. Gone with the wind. You saved their lives, but they probably hate you now.

Not to mention that they’ll never be able to find you, on the off chance that they actually do care.

SSOUI has hidden themselves too well. 

My life is gone. I have nowhere to go, and no one to stay with.

No one… except Green, she realized.

He’s a wretch, but… he’s all I have left.

You know what?

Blue looked up, and she took Green’s hand, standing up.

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