A/N: Just Want To Say Something

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This was way too long to be an A/N at the end of the next chapter.

(And no, this does not count as the weekly update - the next chapter, Chapter 51, will be up on Thursday, as usual.)

To calm the anxiety, this isn't me saying I'm not continuing this fanfiction. I will still continue to write this, don't worry about it - I just wanna say a few things that have been on my mind.

Disclaimer: if you're having a good day and you don't want anything to ruin it, you might find this sad/depressing, so either leave or proceed with caution.


You know what I find so sad that I've been denying it for ages?

The fact that Among Us is dying.

Like, the other day, I was browsing YouTube, and I saw a clip from one of my favorite Among Us streamers saying that she wasn't really into the game anymore and that other Among Us streamers (like Disguised Toast) were also finding it increasingly boring.

I literally cried. Like, I put on sad music and cried over it. I don't know how to fully explain it, but this devastates me to the core.

For one thing, it's a mass multiplayer game that's investing and has so many possibilities, and it brought so many people together during quarantine, and it brought together a lot of streamers too.

And for me personally, I've never really been on board with trends. I always was just vibing by myself, watching whatever I wanted to watch.

But Among Us? The moment I searched it up and distinguished the difference between Among Us and Fall Guys, I was hooked. I loved it.

And soon, I got the idea for this, which has been a ride all on its own, but anyway - I'm very specific about the things I write.

Like, if I have an original concept, I have to be invested in it for at least a while and collect some ideas before I start really writing it. For instance, Chasing Chaos - that's a story I've been writing/wanting to write for literal YEARS. It's just so complicated and intricate that I don't want to majorly mess up with it, because I want to thoroughly tell that story in a beautiful way without anything being boring or out of place.

Even though I don't work on it every day, and I don't always have inspiration, it's the project that owns my heart and soul.

This story was in my head for a while before I started writing it. I also have two other developing concepts - one is the possible Among Us fanfiction I've mentioned before, with the modded roles, and another one is a fun, random idea based around the famous Florida Man meme (if I ever manage to write that one, just know that it'll be hilarious).

Those last two are going to stay in my head until I know I'm invested in them. With that being said, I've always been invested in this story. From Chapter 1 to the present, I've hardly ever run into writer's block or suffered a long-term lack of motivation.

Part of it is probably because Among Us has such a good concept, and there are so many possibilities and other factors to add while staying true to that concept. Like, you can add fun character dynamics, interesting lore and subplots, and overall just create your own unique story around the concept. There's SO much you can do with that.

With a lot of other games and fandoms, there are more restrictions, since there are usually already canon characters, a storyline, and lore. For those, there's not as much freedom with fanfiction.

Minecraft is another interesting game world to set stories in, as my friend Cat (RCatFire77) has proven, but for me personally, it's a little too unstructured. You have to essentially craft your own world over it (*ba dum tss*), which I've realized isn't entirely my cup of tea when writing fanfiction.

The beauty of Among Us is that it's a pre-made concept that has so many possibilities within it, and for me, that's the sweet spot of world structure.

And the fact that most people are slowly losing interest in this game makes me so sad. Even though I don't like playing the game itself (because anxiety), I really enjoy writing this.

Like, I have been so invested in this fandom that every night for the past several months, I go downstairs, get a midnight snack, and watch Among Us.

And I don't get bored. I really don't.

Now that it's dying, I'll either have to dig deep to find new Among Us videos to watch (any recommendations??), or find something else entirely.

Don't take this A/N as me saying "oh, I know I made this super long fanfiction, but now I don't wanna write it anymore, BYE" - that is NOT what I'm saying.

Again, I have no intentions of leaving this story unfinished (I actually figured out the layout for the epilogue today), and I think I'll go through with writing my other Among Us idea - all I'm saying is that the dying of Among Us is making me sad.

So... what about you guys? Are you just as invested in Among Us as I am, or are you only still reading this story because you're too invested in the characters and/or storyline to stop reading now?

Also, I have to ask - do you still want my (most likely) upcoming second fanfiction, or is this fandom dead to you?

Okay, as a closing statement, I want to say that if any of you write your own Among Us fanfiction and let me know, I will read it and support it because I love this fandom too much for my own good. :)

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