The Signs As Types Of Beauty

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Aries: Devilish beauty; the kind of beauty that comes from laughter and all things fun.

Taurus: Hidden beauty, the kind that is modest yet so bright.

Gemini: Extraordinary beauty; beauty for all things that stand out.

Cancer: Timeless beauty, the kind of beauty that is so familiar and so recognized.

Leo: Breathtaking beauty, the kind you notice automatically.

Virgo: Unexpected beauty the kind that you realise when you least expect it.

Libra: Pure beauty, the kind you can not fault.

Scorpio: Edgy beauty, the beauty that comes from something you wouldn't expect, the kind that surprises you.

Sagittarius: Brilliant beauty, the one that you see in someone's eyes, the way they light up , the way you can see their happiness.

Capricorn: Soft beauty, the kind that you love to be around the kind that makes you smile.

Aquarius: Unique beauty, beauty that catches you off guard, the kind you cannot stop thinking about.

Pisces: Vulnerable beauty; the beauty that comes from wholeness, truth, they way you recognise a truthful person instantly.

Yeah this Virgo is not the beauty they're describing. 'Cause I got none haha.

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