Random Facts About The Signs

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Aries: Once you have gained the friendship and respect of an Aries, there is only one way to lose it, Lie.

Taurus: May be overly emotional at times, but it just shows how much they care.

Gemini: If something is wrong, Gemini is going to sit and cry about it.

Cancer: Is the type who snaps without warning.

Leo: Can read other's intentions discreetly and usually with accuracy.

Virgo: Needs to know all the details before committing to anything.

Libra: Commonly caught people-watching. They are curious as to why people act the way they do.

Scorpio: Are torn between being loyal to the core and not trusting anyone.

Sagittarius: Doesn't hang on to bad feelings. If you can't fix it, don't stress yourself about it.

Capricorn: Most Capricorns are sweet and nice until you cross them.

Aquarius: When they speak from their heart, even if no emotion is shown, it can be a very powerful thing.

Pisces: Cam listen to you vent for hours without making things awkward.

This is true, I need to know if you'll hurt me. But even then, I still let people in who'll hurt me.  ♍️ 

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