The Signs Strengths and Weaknesses

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Strengths: Loyal, Hardworking, Protective, Confident, Motived, Won't give up.

Weaknesses: Impulsive, Has A Bad Temper, Reckless, Bossy, Annoyed Easily, Impatient. 


Strengths: Friendly, Caring, Gives Good Advice, Very Supportive, Good Cook, Chill As Hell.

Weaknesses: Social Distancing, Stubborn, Lazy, Possessive, Stresses a lot, Loosing someone takes a toll on them.


Strengths: Very Communicative, Adaptable, Good Humor, Trustworthy, Good At Reading People, Creative.

Weaknesses: Two-Faced, Tends To Gossip a lot, Gets Bored Very Easily, Nervous, Inconsistent. 


Strengths: Smart, Good Listener, Loving, Strong, Cares a lot, Very Intuitive.

Weaknesses: Emotionally Unstable, Moody, Manipulative, Avoidant, Tends To Take Things To Personally, Very Insecure.


Strengths: Reliable Friend, Compliments Others, Brave, Artistic, Strong-Willed, Great leader.

Weaknesses: Dramatic, Has Trust Issues, Has A Lot Of Insecurities, Is An Attention Seeker, Jealous, Self Centered.


Strengths: Good at planning, determined, helps others, tries to find a solution, unproblematic, outgoing.

Weaknesses: Judges others and themselves a lot, overthinks everything, bad at asking for help, pushes people away, doesn't know how to move on, Self-critical.


Strengths: Gentle, passionate, open minded, Good at making people smile, intelligent, peaceful.

Weaknesses: Cares way too much, Naive, isn't good at confronting people, indecisive, has a lot of self pity, doesn't take rejection well.


Strengths: Has a good attitude, gives forgiveness to people who deserve it, understanding, mature, Cares enough, can keep a secret.

Weaknesses: Very emotional, ignores people a lot, secretive, gets too controlling at times, very cold and distant, bad at letting things go.


Strengths: Fun, Full of happiness, adventurous, doesn't lie, optimistic, disciplined.

Weaknesses: Doesn't take criticism well, irresponsible, Complains a lot, bad at being alone, can be too honest, can be very impulsive.


Strengths: Goal orientated, hard worker, powerful, mom friend, tidy, has a lot of patience.

Weaknesses:  Too hard on themselves, can be too serious, hides their feelings, anger issues, expects the worse, know it all.


Strengths: Original, in a good mood most of the time, goofy, keeps things real, humanitarian, progressive.

Weaknesses: Can't commit in relationships, uncompromising, can't relax, is very temperamental, tends to be aloof, bad temper.


Strengths: Imaginative, strong instincts, wise, musical, good at making friends, loves hard.

Weaknesses:  Can be too idealistic, fearful, sad, escapes reality a lot, gives out too much trust, is very clingy.

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