The signs as horror movie clichè's

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Aries is the invincible character who somehow manages to survive getting kidnapped by the killer even though they're reckless as fuck. They can jump out of a three story window and keep running. They'd also probably be the one who says "hey, over here!" to the killer to distract them so someone else can escape.

Taurus either skipped the Halloween party where all the spooky shit goes down because they were tired or they ARE the killer because they have some long life grudge against someone. But they'd definitely never run, only speed walk because, ew, running. They'd still end up catching and slaughtering everyone regardless.

Gemini would be the ghost that scares the shit out of someone when they close their bathroom cabinet mirror and they're standing right behind them. Then they'd give a creepy smile and disappear when the person turns around.

Cancer is the type of person to trip while a guy with a chainsaw is running after them. If they're not tripping over nothing, they're running upstairs and hiding in a closet instead of running out the front door.

Leo is the one who hears a noise in the dark basement so they decide to investigate. When they get to the bottom of the stairs they say "hello?" only to be met with silence until a figure suddenly lunges at them and, to Leo's credit, they try to fight back but end up getting killed anyway.

Virgo is smart enough to try and get the fuck out of the there immediately but they're clumsy as shit so they'd definitely drop their keys when trying to put it into the ignition and VERY narrowly escape.

Libra is the one who taps the shoulder of the guy in their group who got bit by a zombie and didn't tell anyone, so now he's a zombie and when he turns around he bites the shit out of Libra's neck. RIP Libra.

Scorpio is the crazy neighbor who everyone thinks is the killer because they're creepy as fuck and are always seen spying or lurking but turns out they were trying to break the curse the whole time.

Sagittarius would definitely want to split up and look for the killer themselves instead of just calling the cops. As soon as everyone went their separate ways, they'd get grabbed by the killer and be the first to die.

Capricorns are the definition of perseverance... which is why Capricorn would definitely be the killer who you think is dead because they were just shot in the chest at close range and then stabbed multiple times, but then they get up and start chasing everyone again because they ain't giving up just yet.

Aquarius would definitely be the last one standing because they had enough sense to stay put in their hiding spot and turn off their phone after calling the police (who happen to show up way too late btw). They also may or may not unmask the killer who happens to be the creepy old dude who warned you to stay away from this place.

Pisces is the one writing obsessively on the walls and leaving really creepy messages written in blood because they got possessed or went insane. If they ever get released from their trance, they ask where they are and how they got there. 

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