Chapter's Thirty One: Doctors Office

Start from the beginning

     Dang this boy for being tall as a building.

    He smiled "Give me a kiss and you can have it. "

     I made a face "You can have it."

    Everyone started laughing, we were waiting for the nurse to come out and take me back.

     "Who is going in with me?" I asked.

    "Me. " Vince.

    Mick raised his hand.

    "I'm coming back whether you like it or not." Lucid.

     Axl smirked "Me. Because you love me" boy does he have a sense of humor, I thought sarcastically.

      "Mrs. Deville."

     I groaned as Axl and Vince helped me up and followed the nurse to the back.

    "Are you all with her?" the nurse asked.

   "Yeah" Lucid answered so simply.

    No Shit, I thought and caught Mick trying not to laugh, I think he might have thought the same thing...

     We went to a room with a table and I laid down in it.

     I looked at Vince "Tell my husband if you talk to him while I'm in here I said I am going to kill him if he don't come home soon."



    I shook my head as me and the guys lounged around in the break room at the hospital drinking and eating something.

    "Who knew pregnant woman could be so..grouchy" Steven shuddered, we laughed.

     Mick shook his head "Gotta feel sorry for C.C."

      He called while she was back there after I told him about what Parker said, he flipped out thinking she was really going to kill this case she might...

      Axl grunted "Hell, she said if he didn't come off tour in the next two months she was going to make him sorry he is a man. "

     Tommy smiled "I remember when we took her in the first two days she stayed there..remember that Vince?" He smirked.

       I laughed "Who wouldn't. "

*Rewind to first two days Park spent with Crüe*

    'Parker motioned me to the bathroom, I walked over.
"Yes, Parker?" I was wearing a red jacket, it matched her face at the time.

"Vince, um," She bit her lip "do you guys by at chance have any, uh," She paused.

I knew possibly what it was so I decided to make her say it, I grinned "Any what?"

Face red as anything she whispered "Its PMS Vince jeesh" my eyes got wide, then started laughing "I'll see what I can do."

   As she closed the door I yelled "Hey any of you know where any tampons are!?"

"Vince!" She yelled, I busted out laughing, the others did too.'
     I chuckled as everyone laughed "She told me that was the most embarrassing moment of her life, and I done anything like that to her again she would kick my ass up around my head" I said.

       Axl laughed "I remember our prank on her and Lucid, priceless" He said, as him and Nikki high fived.

      I smiled "Yeah they wanted to kill us all" Mick added.

     Slash grinned "They didn't know who the hell it was."

      "When her and C.C pushed the jukebox over!" Nikki yelled getting a 'shoosh' from a nearby nurse he flipped her off.

     I laughed and told the story.

      'She had pulled him by his shirt collar and kissed him, earning wolf whistles from us all.

    She started to walk away, he brung her back to him and behind the jukebox, and apparently kissed her, then suddenly the Jukebox was knocked over.

     "Hope you got enough money to pay for that hotshot" She said, he smiled at her innocently.

She had blushed because everyone was staring at them and Tommy and Bret didn't make it no better yelling "Red looks good on you, Parker!" she shot them the bird, Lucid laughed along with Bobby as the owner of the bar came over to her and C.C.'

       "And we all got kicked out of the bar" I finished.

     Tom huffed "She did turn red!" He yelled, and the nurse shushed him, he shot a look.

      I chuckled "We are going to be uncles! " I said, we laughed.

     "If it's a boy I'm going to teach him how to fight " Nikki said.

      "I'm gonna teach him to drink" Duff said.

     I shook my head "C.C will teach him that " I said, they chuckled.

      "I'll teach him the drums" Tommy and Steven said, then looked at each other.

      I chuckled "When he is sixteen I'll teach him how to get girls" I said.

      Axl laughed "No I will" He said, I gave him a look.

      Mick chuckled "Calm down guys."

      "Yeah we don't need a fight, remember Parker in the hospital room?" Izzy said.

       I nodded, Park...our sister.


    "...You have a healthy baby-" I stopped her.

     "I don't want to know the gender until my husband is with me."

   She nodded and smiled "Understandable."

     "He or she is healthy though?" Lucid asked, Doctor Addison nodded.


     I sighed "Good, now I need to call C.C" I said.

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