Chapter's Thirty One: Doctors Office

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Chapter Thirty One: Doctors Office

    "I'm not going without C.C."

   I was standing my ground with Lucid and the rest, oh Mötley Crüe and G-n-R are home.

    "C.C wants you to" Vince said, I narrowed my eyes.

    "If he goes with me, then I'll go."

    "Parker think about your baby " Tommy said, frowning.

     I crossed my arms "Tell my husband to get home."

    Nikki scowled "Parker I will carry you."

    "I. Dare. You. Sixx."

     Nikki grinned.

     *****doctors office++++

    "I hate men" I mumbled as Nikki carried me through the entrance to the hospital.

     Tommy held my arms over my head as we walked "We love you too" Vince said, as Mick opened the door.

    "Appointment for Mrs. Deville" Vince smiled.

     "You planned this?!" I yelled as Nikki and Tommy sat me down in a chair.

    Mick winced "C.C told us you would be stubborn about it...and technically he made the appointment -"

    "Get My Husband On The Phone Mars. "



   "C.C!" my angry wife yelled "You made a appointment for me with you not there!?"

   Man I feel sorry for the Crüe boys, my wife is b*tchy right now...

    "-I mean, how dare you?! C.C Deville I want you here with me to see how our baby is, not by myself."

      I sighed "Baby...Listen!..I'm on tour for another two months..."


   "What? " Oh great I've made her cry.

    "Two months!"

    "Yes, but I will be home in another two months for sure, I want you to have the baby checked out. "


      "Don't make me get Lucid and Vince a

hold of you" I warned.

      "Fine. Okay, but I am not going to know the gender until you do."

      I groaned "Parker Gorener Deville I-"

      "Don't make me get Rikki and Bret after you " She mocked, I heard a smile "I love you."

       "You to Parky."


     "I gotta go babe, they need me here."

     "I need you too."

     I smiled "I know. Love you" I said.  

     We hung up and I sighed laying back down on my bunk in the tour bus.

    What am I going to do about you Parker Deville.


   "Tommy! Give me my Hershey bar back!" I wined as I tries to reach above my head to where he held it up high.

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