Chapter Ten: Bars and Men

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Chapter Ten: Bars and Men

"Put on the stupid dress" Nikki said, I shook my head "Nikki Sixx, I am not a hooker!"

He rolled his eyes "D*amit, either put on the dress or I will put you in it myself."

"Go ahead I ain't scared of you anyway, As*hole!"

He smiled "Play it that way" he said, and went to C.C's bedroom door to the living room "What are you doing Sixx!?" I shouted.

And C.C came in holding the dress, grinning.

"Oh I know he didn't send you in here."

He grinned and came over to me, and started tugging at he bottom of my Crüe shirt.

I yanked the dress from him "Okay, pervert, I will dress myself" I said, shoving him out the door.

I heard laughter as I closed door and put the dress on.

I pulled on the boots, and left my hair down and just put on eyeliner and lip gloss, grabbing my leather jacket the boys bought me I headed out the door, and saw the guys standing there all in black and leather, I swear C.C looked like a lost puppy when he saw me, I smiled when I saw Lucid.

C.C grinned "Hi, sexy."

I rolled my eyes and put my jacket on "Just to make myself clear, this is the only time you will see me in a dress, okay?"

He smiled, and put a hand on my back, which I allowed, heck let him enjoy himself tonight, plus I don't know L.A. like these idiots do.

"Yeah but you see me always in a dress" Lucid pointed out, I glared.

We left the house and walked down the sunset strip.

I stopped and pointed a finger at them "I swear if you eight take me to a place where strippers are.."

Bret rolled his eyes along with Vince "Just come on" Nikki said, and C.C pushed me forward.

C.C. let his hand wonder from my back, to my shoulder, to my hand and held onto it.

He smiled "Do you feel protected with us here, or me?"

I smirked "Sort of, but pull anything funny C.C and I will-" he held his hand up in surrender, since his other was holding my hand.

"When is your birthday?" C.C asked, I smiled "Why?"

"I want to know."

"September twenty third, you?"

He smiled "May Fourteenth" he said, I smiled "You know that is a few weeks away right?"

He gave me a 'duh' look "So?"

''Aren't you happy."

He shrugged "Yeah, music makes me happy."

I bumped my shoulder into him, he bumped back, and we did this until Nikki joined in.

"Alright, here we are" Vince said, and walked up to the place, he smirked looking back at me "And I promise, no strippers" I stuck my tongue out a him.

"Excuse me" I said, as Nikki and C.C. led us in.

Me and Lucid went in side by side, Nikki and Bobby had a arm around her, I shook my head.

C.C led me to a table, and sat down as Bret and Vince ordered drinks,

I looked at the jukebox that was playing 'Go Your Own Way' by Fleetwood Mac, Bret sat next to C.C. ,Vince sat next to me, Nikki sat next to Vince, then Lucid, Bobby sat next to her then Tommy, then Rikki, and Mick.

"Here ya go" a woman said, getting the drinks and putting them on the table,

I grabbed a beer, and opened it, the guys looked at me, I shrugged "I pass as a Twenty One year old, almost am."

Vince gave me a grin, and raised his bottle to me.

I sighed looking around the bar "I always wanted to own a bar or something."

Mick smiled "If you did we could have free beer" he said, they laughed.

"Only you, the rest would have to pay" I said, earning fake hurt looks from the rest.

'Just What I Needed' by The Cars came on, C.C looked at me about to say something when Rikki asked "Parker, would you like to dance?"

I nodded, and C.C. grumbled something I didn't catch, but it made Bret chuckle.

Rikki smiled as he led me onto the dance floor, and twirled me around.

He smiled "You look pretty Parker."

"Thank you Mr. Rockett."

He chuckled "That made me feel old" then "C.C. likes you Parker, I can see it, he never treats any girl like he does you, the picking at each other, the arguing, the way he looks at you, and when he got jealous because Tommy's head was on your lap..."

"What? He got jealous?" I asked, he laughed nodding.

I smiled, and he walked back to the table, C.C looks at me, and I made a 'come here' motion with my finger, he points at himself 'me?' I rolled my eyes.

Nah, I want to talk to your bottle of beer, I thought, idiot.

He comes over here, and leans on the jukebox that is now playing a song by The Who, he crossed his arms "What?"

I smiled and walked closer to him "Were you jealous of Tommy's head in my lap?" I asked, he looked at me.

"N-no?" C.C made it sound like a question, I smiled "You were" I said, he looked down at me with a look, and smiled.

"What do you think of girls who make the first move?" I asked, reaching up to touch his face, smiling, leaning up.

"In this situation? She ain't making the first move" he said and started pulling away, I pulled him by his shirt collar and kissed him, earning wolf whistles from the table.

I started to walk away, he brung me back to him and behind the jukebox, and kissed me, then suddenly he pushed me into it knocking it over.

"Hope you got enough money to pay for that hotshot" I said, he smiled at me innocently.

I blushed because everyone is staring at us and Tommy and Bret yelled "Red looks good on you, Parker!" I shot them the bird, Lucid laughed along with Bobby as the owner of the bar came over to me and C.C.


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