Chapter Twenty One: Not a Prank

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Chapter Twenty One: Not a Prank

    I pulled up at the house and got out, Luc was with the boys at the bar, I decided to come home, I walked up to the door, it was unlocked.

     I opened it and said "Really funny C.C." I walked in, the front door closed and I was slammed up against the wall.

     "Real tough aren't you? I saw that fight now let's see you do that to me."

     "Go away Bryant."

     He grinned "No, honey you would be careful out there a lot of people would kill to see the sister of James Kayde dead."

    You see that's it right there, my brother was a drug dealer, he got in with bad people case closed.

     I smirked "Clearly you didn't see what I done to the punk real well" I said, kicking my knee up, he fell on his knees, And I ran upstairs, oh come on!

   I tried my room the door was stuck, seriously?! I ducked into Luc's room, grabbed her phone, and to her closet that has a lock.

     I gulped slowy breathing so I could listen I heard door after door being fung open and possibly ripped off it hinges.

      Oh gosh.

    I quickly dialed the bar with the cordless phone, come on Lucid.


    "Michaels get that for me" Luc said, I picked it up "Tigers Den."



    "Hurry to the house get someone to come with you!"she said whispered hurriedly .

     "What's going on?"

    "Bryant is in the house! Get C.C. Nikki Axl whoever just-" she stopped, I listened "Park!"

     I hear wham! On the other end "Bret! He found me."

     "Shit!" I cussed, as the line went dead, I slung it across the empty bar and went to get C.C. Nikki, Axl, Vince and Duff.

   Two of Poison, two of Crüe, and two of Guns.

   "What's going on?" Nikki asked, looking at the phone in the corner.

    "Bryant is attacking Park as we speak come on."

    "I swear!" Vince yelled.

     "If he lays one finger on her he's a dead man walking" C.C said as we piled into my car.



     The phone went dead, and the closet door was being hit and eventually it opened as he pulled me out.

      I looked up and he smiled

      "You won't give me my daughter, fine."

    That's when I got really scared.


     Everything was quiet as I went in the door, it was unlocked.

    "Axl, Vince come with me, you three check out down here."

    We went up and saw all the doors flung open, even the one to Luc's room, we went in there.

     My heart fell, Park was laying there passed out her leg hanging off the side, her shirt ripped, head was bleeding and her stomach was to.

      "D*mn" I exclaimed, and punched the door to Luc's room making it finally fall off of the doorframe.

    Vince picked her up and we carried her to the door "We will stay here" Nikki said, Bret and Duff nodded.

    Vince drove to the hospital when we got there I went to the desk "Someone broke into her house, she is badly hurt" I said, she looked at me "You will have to wait Mr.-"

     "D*mmit! Just get her to the doctor!" Axl yelled slamming his fist into the glass, that somehow didn't break.

    She ran into the back as Vince came in carrying Park.

    They came out with a stretcher and Vince laid her on it as they took her back.

     We sat down, I put my head in my hands "I should've been with her."

    Vince slapped my head "Don't. Don't blame yourself this would have happened eventually anyway C.C."

    "Yeah, but he should be put in jail."

     I looked at Axl "She should do a warrant."

    Vince nodded and stood up pacing, awhile later the others came in "Sam is with Georgia."

      I sighed leaning back in my seat, Bret sat beside me "If he killed her, we are gonna find out where he lives and-" he stopped as people came out and stopped looking at him.

     "What are you looking at? Go on mind your own business!" Axl snapped.

     They quickly went out of the hospital, we all looked at him.

    He shrugged "I hate people staring at me like that."

    Vince shook his head "Can't we do something? Like get a arrest done on him" Slash asked.

     "Yeah, I mean one of us should of been with her" Steven said.

   I shook my head "He got what he wanted if he kills her, he can claim Samantha."

     *2 hours, a game of cards, Steven and Tommy fighting over food and Axl arguing with Bret later*

      A nurse came out I stood up "How is she?"

    She sighed "Stitches in the head, leg I broke, and her stomach has stopped bleeding" she smiled "She is a strong woman."

    I smiled "The only strong one I know."


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