Chapter Fourteen: A Year Later

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Chapter Fourteen: A Year Later


I am Twenty One years old, I now own a bar called "The Tigers Den" and I adopted my niece -Samantha- and she lives with me and Lucid at our three bedroom two bath apartment in Chicago.

I sighed, glancing down at C.C's ring he gave me the day I left L.A, Lucid picked up on my mood, and bumped me with her side.

"Hey now, babe, what's up" she said, then noticed what I was starring at "Its Okay doll, just remember you will see him and them again."

I nodded, and watched Sam read a kids book sitting on the bar, Sam is four and she is my real niece.

Turns out I was adopted -thank you Vince Neil for pointing that out- my family died in a house fire when I was born me and my brother were the only survivors, but five months ago, him and his wife were on a plane coming back to Chicago and it crashed.

They had left Sam to me and I didn't know it.

Sam is sweet, and shy, I treat her like my daughter.

"So, when we get back to the house watch The Labyrinth?" Lucid asked, I shrugged "Sure."

I let Luc watch Sam while I go clear a table, and I took the dishes to the back, or about did.

"Parker!" A voice yelled, I turned and dropped my dishes as someone lifted me up and twirled me around, as Mötley Crüe's new song Girls Girls Girls played.

He put me down "Oh gosh Parker I have missed you" only one dude I know is Six feet tall, has long black hair, and carries drumsticks in his back pocket.

"Tom!" I said, hugging onto him.

"Told you I would see you again."

"Tommy you've changed!" Is it me or is he taller? He wore a leather jacket and no shirt, leather pants, and boots, his hair teased.

"And you are taller!" He joked.

I slapped his hand away from my butt "Private property, Lee."

He chuckled "I have missed you, we all have" he looked at me "Especially one guy" he bit his lip.

I reached down and he helped me get the empty bottles and sit glasses up.

"How is he?" I asked.

He smiled "Good. But, he wears that necklace everyday."

I nodded "He is supposed to."

Tommy chuckled and carried the dishes and put them for Lucid to wash "Tommy!" She yelled, he smiled and hugged her "Hey babe."

I left them to talk and went over to Sam who is drawing in her book.

"What are you drawing baby" I asked, she smiled.

"A house,"

I smiled, and Tommy came over his eyes widened "Parker we leave you alone and you already had a kid?" I smacked his arm.

"No! This is my niece I adopted, Sam, Sam this is my friend Tommy Lee."

She hides behind my back, as far as she could leaning from the back, he chuckled and made me move.

"Hi cutie" he said, making her laugh, he chucked and sat on the bar "Your pretty" she said, pulling at his hair,.

I laughed, he looked at me with a scowl "Don't worry Tom, I think your a pretty man too."

He almost shot me the bird, then remembered Sam was there.

"I will get you later" he said, as I served a customer.

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