Chapter Three: Livin' With Party Animals

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Chapter Three: Livin' With Party Animals

I groaned and put my hand on my head, what happened? I opened my eyes and wish I hadn't of. I saw poofy hair, blonde and dark colored, and someone sitting on my bed, I sighed "Oh no.." and the one sitting on my bed smiled at me "Good Morning sleeping beauty" Nikki smirked, I groaned "Oh shit. Can this get any worse?"

Bobby put a hand to his chest mocking hurt "But, you came home with me last night, I'm hurt Parker." Vince and Bret laughed, and I rolled my eyes then I winced as my views came in clear, white on white, hospital room, I looked at the needle and grimaced "A needle?"

Bret laughed "You will take a beating like you got but when it comes to needles your scared?" He shook his head, I frowned as I looked at the IV and rested back into the bed "How long have I been out?" I asked.

"Two days."

I groaned "He did it this time." Rikki looked at me away from the. Mirror over the hospital sink where he was fixing his hair "Who?" He asked, and it's like they all waited for my answer "My dad" I winced "He beat me." Nikki nodded "I told you guys."

Tommy frowned "Shit."

"What happened exactly?" Vince asked, And I explained about what happened the other night. The fighting, the screaming, and my mom yelling at us to stop and how I had ran out the door crying Nikki scowled "That ass."

I frowned "Now he has kicked me out just because I listen to metal, and I have no where to go" I said, wow thanks dad you really done it to me this time! I thought and my arm wouldn't get comfortable, Tommy brightened up "You can live with us!" Rikki looked at him.

"Where would she sleep Tom?"

He smiled ''With me" the boys gave him a look, if looks could kill he'd be dead, he gave a frown and Vince chuckled "She would probably take your bed, and you could sleep on the couch" he said.

I shook my head "No, I can go live with my aunt and her devil twins-" and a automatic "No" came from the doorway. I turned my head to see Mick and C.C. in the doorway "Live with us, clearly your family treats you like shit" Mick said, and came over to me, sitting on the side of the bed.

C.C. mumbled something, and Tommy laughed Vince shook his head "Ignore them two. C.C, Bret, Tommy and Nikki are always weird" he said, crossing his arms and making on the wall, with the four he named off looking at him hard.

Tommy rubbed his head on my shoulder, I bit my lip "Please live with us" he said, and looked up at me "You need a place to stay. We are offering. And we get bored" Bobby said, I shrugged "I might... if you get your drummer off of me, he is hurting my arm" I gasped out, he pulled his head away and smiled "Sorry, I forgot."

"And why the protectiveness you just met me."

Mick cleared his throat "I guess we just...feel brotherly for some reason. And I dislike the idea of your dad hurting you again. Your what? Eighteen? You can get out of there and say screw them" he said, and everyone agreed.

Nikki nodded "I feel as if I have known you before. Maybe ina past life? Plus you can live with us until you find a job and get your own house if you want it" he said, and smiled, I thought for a minute on if I should or shouldn't go, then looked at my cast then the IV.

I smiled then "When can I get out of this prison?" As I said that, the guys yelled 'Yes!' and a nurse came in and looked at the boys, I bit back a laugh seeing as how they looked. All black leather or blue Jean, long hair and eyeliner, motorcycle boots and Vince had a red bandana around his neck.

She looked as if she has seen the devil as she looked at the Crüe, and I was trying not to start laughing. Clearing her throat she asked "Parker Gorener?" I nodded "The doctor will be in shortly to give you, your, uh, prescriptions."

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