Happy Birthday Alma [Modern]

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"Allen, no, you don't have to do that if you don't want to. Just let me-" Cutting his fiance off, he rolled his eyes at the other's persistence. 

"Who said I didn't want to?" Glancing around to face the other, he gave a light pout as he spoke, trying to get the taller to let him be and go back to their room. He wanted to be the first awake and have time to make the other breakfast for once, but that obviously didn't happen when he got up, having been nauseous and accidentally waking Alma up when he climbed out of bed.

"Allen-" Speaking up before he would let the older fuss over him anymore for the moment, he grabbed one of the spatulas from the drawer to his side. He really should've gotten everything he needed out before he started cooking.

"Alma, just sit back down and let me do this if you're not going back to bed." Hearing the other sigh softly at his stubbornness, he glanced back just before he was hugged from behind. Feeling himself being kissed on top of his head after a moment, he could hear as Alma moved to sit at the counter behind him. Pacing around as quietly as he could to continue to gather what he was trying to, he gradually glanced to the counter as he went, catching his fiance nearly falling back asleep on the marble surface.

Getting back to work on preparing breakfast, he tried to do so as quietly as he possibly could so he wouldn't accidentally wake the other. But it didn't matter in reality, especially when he dropped an egg on the floor and got absolutely no response.

Getting the small mess cleaned up gave him a little trouble, especially when he was trying to get back up off the floor, he managed it though. The actual cooking wasn't too difficult for him, especially since he was the only one who had been trusted in the kitchen other than Mana as a kid, he could still smell his uncle's attempt at boiling water six years later when he visited the older men. Being careful as he moved the used dishes to the side and started cleaning up, he set the food on the counter so he wouldn't accidentally clean it up. Putting the pans and tools into the sink to soak, he grabbed silverware from the drawer, using the handle of a fork to prod at Alma's upper arm, trying to wake the man back up before the food went cold. Hearing the coffee maker stop behind him as Alma sat up a little more, finally waking back up as he put the tool down beside the plate.

"Time to wake up, I finished making breakfast." Catching a smile cross the other's face as he moved back across the room to grab a cup, he briefly saw as Alma ruffled his own hair a little. Setting a full coffee cup in his partner's reach, he moved to rest his hip against the ledge of the counter, picking up his cup of juice from the counter.

"Allen you really…" Hearing as Alma spoke back up, he rolled his eyes at the incomplete statement, resting his free hand against his middle, feeling their nearly due son shift, waking back up.

"'Really didn't have to.' you've told me that already, and I've already told you that I wanted to." Setting his glass back down for a moment, he grabbed another piece of silverware from the drawer as he moved to the refrigerator, grabbing the awkward jar in both hands before using his leg and hip to close the door again. "Happy Birthday Alma." Laughing softly at the stunned expression, he caught blue eyes staring back at him in confusion. D-did Alma not remember what day it was? Waiting a few moments in silence, he was almost sure that the other was just doing his best to process what was happening.

"The original plan was for me to give you breakfast in bed, but that obviously didn't happen." Hearing a soft laugh as he finally got the other to catch back up, he shifted to stand on one foot. Watching as Alma picked up the fork to finally start eating, he decided to speak up before he sat down. "Are you going to want to put mayo on that?"

"And so what if I do?" He couldn't tell if he wanted to laugh at how predictable his fiance was or be disgusted at the idea of mayonnaise on french toast and eggs. Both, both is good.

"I'll think you're disgusting and probably leave the room for a moment but I'll give you the jar." Catching those blue eyes fill with worry for a moment, he shook his head as he slid his partner the jar and the knife. "We've been over this the whole term, my sense of smell is finicky. I'll just need to take a breather and I'll be back in a few minutes, alright?"

"Alright, but if you start feeling sick just tell me." Shaking his head a little at how worried Alma had just gotten over him, he couldn't help but laugh.

"I will, but it's not like anything would come up after what we both originally woke up to. At least the baby gave me a break for a little while. But enough about me, eat your breakfast before it gets cold and you have to reheat it and end up with warm mayo." Sitting down on the chair beside Alma once he figured he wouldn't get sick upon the condiment being opened, he tapped his half full glass against the counter a few times before sticking his tongue out in disgust.

"Warm mayo isn't that bad." Falsely gagging at the idea of the statement, he tried his best to focus on his beverage and the light kicks of their son to no avail.

"You are absolutely gross, but I love you so much." Feeling as a kiss was pressed to his cheek, he took a quick sip from his cup as he glanced away.

"I love you too, Allen."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2020 ⏰

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