Light at Home [Modern]

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"Now what is happening in here? I thought you said your feet hurt, so why are you standing?" Glancing toward the doorway into the kitchen where his boyfriend of three years stood, he took another sip from the cup that he held in his hand. At least if he dropped this cup it wouldn't shatter into half a million pieces, but there would still be a mess someone would need to mop up annoyingly enough.

"I'm not going to sit down in one of the dining chairs only to get stuck and need help getting back up, dumb bunny. I'll be back in there to continue playing the stupid game in a few minutes." Glancing away for a moment, he sighed a little under his breath before his dark eyes met a singular green. "Could you grab a pillow for me though? Your daughter is heavy and being three days late makes my back ache." Huffing at another kick towards the top of his stomach, he placed one hand against the spot for a moment to try to soothe the squirming girl. He was sure the aches and pains were just from how his daughter was positioned and how much she weighed, so he didn't really think too deeply on it.

"You got it babe, I'll tell Allen he can go ahead with his turn. Call for me if you need anything else." Nodding, he watched the red head leave the doorway and head down the hallway to their bedroom to grab a pillow for him, setting the cup on the counter by the sink before he pushed himself away from the counter. He needed that extra force to get him moving, grabbing onto the doorway so he wouldn't run headfirst into the wall again. It wasn't long before he was settled back in place in his seat, pillow propped up against his lower back.

"Are you doing okay, Yu?" Glancing up from the cards that he held in his hand, deep blue met lighter shades. He had been a bit stiff with his movements for the past while they had been playing. But it wasn't too noticeable, at least that's what he had believed.

"I'm fine Alma, why do you ask?" Glancing down again, he rested his empty hand where he could feel the small feet continue to kick, narrowing his eyes in annoyance. She really was active today, something he really didn't enjoy since he was already sore.

"You don't look like you're doing so great, that's all. Two sevens." Hearing the response, he blinked a little, biting at the corner of his mouth as he felt a blossom of pain against his lower back. Shaking his head a little, he pulled together the last of his cards to set down on his next turn, lucky that he would be able to grab his cup from the kitchen again while the other three finished up hopefully.

"I call bullshit, Alma." Watching the other black haired man groan in annoyance at having to pick up the entire pile of cards, he watched Allen silently cheer, glad the room's attention was diverted from him for a moment, especially since his daughter shifted more than he was comfortable with. He could feel her head against his pelvis for some reason, and how he was sitting was getting more uncomfortable by the minute.

"Three tens. I'm going to the kitchen, don't wait for me." Tossing the three cards face down on the pile, he barely managed to push himself out of the chair, his back aching almost as soon as he had gotten to his feet. He didn't wait for a response, but he could still hear the trio from down the hall as he was called on his move.

"Can't just leave the table after a move like that and not wait for a response. I call bullshit on principle, Yu." Huffing under his breath, he moved back to the corner so he could see the trio, trying to look unamused by the ordeal.

"Pick the cards up Lavi, it's three tens." Turning back down the hall, he could hear Alma and Allen laugh, the sound getting softer the further he moved to the kitchen. It wasn't long before the other three all joined him in the room, himself able to tell instantly who lost the game, especially as he saw the beansprout trying to cheer Alma up at the table.

"Since we're all in here please sit down. I don't like how you're standing so much, the doctors said that any strain could make you go into labor at this point." Rolling his eyes, he shook his head, setting his cup down for a moment.

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