Happy Birthday Kanda [Modern]

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[This is so far in the future but it's his birthday so fight me, I still have something I wanna write before I post the first two kids being born sorry guys [though you get to see the first and fifth oldest of the kids here :3] I haven't slept yet either I wrote this all between 1:30 and 7:15 this morning]


"Shhh daddy, you're gonna wake momma up!" Hearing his elder daughter's voice from the hallway just outside the bedroom, he had to hold back from making a sound at the scolding tone his seven year old used on his husband. Pulling at the thin blanket that covered him, he almost had to laugh as he felt soft nudges and kicks from his third child, seemingly telling him good morning.

"Yes, yes, 'Bel, I know. Careful Suzu, hold the box with both hands now." Hearing said husband through the wall just outside the bedroom door, he shifted a little in his spot on the bed, being careful as he moved to sit up so he wouldn't jostle his baby too much. He'd rather not have to leave the bed too soon.

"Momma! You're awake already!" Watching the trio enter the room, he watched as Lavi set the tray he had been carrying onto the dresser, himself taking the cup of tea from his pigtailed daughter before she climbed up onto the bed by his feet. Taking a sip from the warm cup before he set the glass onto the bedside table by his phone, he felt as the bed dipped under his younger daughter being set down by her sister, the box in the toddler's hands jumbling a little.

"Yes I am, your little sister wanted to say hello only a few minutes before you three came in. Now what's all this about, you three usually sleep in as much as possible when you can." Resting his hands on top of his stomach, he felt as the pillows behind him were fixed, glancing to the side to see the mischievous look on the other redhead's face, he shook his head a little. Oh what had his husband planned with their daughters this time. Watching as Suzu crawled closer to him on the bed, pushing the box with her little hands as she went.

"Momma! I wuv yuu! Habpbpbpv…" Smiling freely as he watched the two year old squint her bright green eyes as she tried to talk, he watched as Lavi moved from beside him to lean against one of the poles on the end of the bed. Those green eyes held mischief constantly, but at least he knew how to handle that sort of mischief.

"I love you too but slow it down Suzu, no need to rush your words so early in the day." Running his fingers through his daughter's short black hair, he waited a few moments for the girl to get her words together.

"Hab……Habby… Habby Bir… Habby Birday momma!" Blinking a few times at what the girl had said, he rose an eyebrow in light confusion towards his standing partner.

"It is the sixth dear, the girls and I wanted to do something before you were bombarded with phone calls from the family. I was waiting till you were ready before I handed you your breakfast, I'm sure you're hungry." Opening his mouth and closing it within the same second, he watched as Lavi grabbed the tray from where it sat on the dresser, placing it over his lap after another moment. It still took a few moments for him to process what he was told, finally realizing that it was his birthday, his twenty-eighth birthday to be specific. How time seemed to fly some weeks.

He had already known that he'd be getting something sweet for breakfast, especially since it had been a dreadful craving of his throughout his last two pregnancies as well as the current one. He's had more sugar in his system while pregnant than he ever had as a kid, and he's only been the former for a little over two years of his life in total. But at least he was mostly used to it, didn't make him feel any better usually but he could get through it. After that ordeal was over with on his part, he took his tea back from the surface beside him, using his cup to hide his smile as his daughters curled up beside him, feeling as the box Suzu had been holding the entire time was set on his leg, he wasn't at all surprised when the girls watched him intently, obviously waiting for him to open the oddly light box. He really didn't know if he should trust them not to stop his heart while he's like this. Picking up the box, he waited for Lavi to come back from the kitchen before he'd open the gift, briefly checking his phone while he waited, catching sight of a few messages he received from a few of his coworkers and even the beansprout's father and uncle had sent him messages he'd need to respond to them before he got dragged into the dozen phone calls he got every year. Why his brothers couldn't call him together since two of them still live together with their foster father he didn't know, at least his sister in law was decent.

"Daddy's back! Can you please open your present now momma?" Blinking a few times, he set his phone back down as he felt Lavi sit on the other side of the bed, the redhead pulling their older daughter into his lap to re-braid the girl's pigtails. Sighing a little, he nodded, being careful to pull the lid off the decorative box without breaking it by accident. Taking a glance into the silent container, he held his breath for a moment before pulling out one of the paper flowers that sat in the box. The paper it was made of was obviously hand colored, and he was pretty sure he knew who had done that, but the shape he didn't think either of the other two had known how to do the design, let alone that one existed. His confusion must have been obvious, because the giggling he heard had him putting the small box to his side as he held the paper flower in one hand.

"Suzu and I made them momma! She colored and I folded." He was about to ask how Isobel knew how to fold it like she did, but he was beat to it by Lavi who was already working on a second braid.

"The girls asked what your favorite flower was because they really wanted to get you some for your birthday, but I explained to them that you can't just buy lotus flowers with how they usually grow. I'm guessing they teamed up with Allen to make these when I took you for your appointment last week. Apparently he's been trying to work with the kids to teach them origami so they're not all running around the house." Smiling lightly as he looked at the grouping of small purple, pink, and blue paper blossoms, he leaned to the side to press a kiss to Suzu's forehead, able to do the same once Isobel was free from her hair being fixed.

"Thank you girls, they're beautiful." He spent the next bit of time looking at the pieces, watching as the girls ran off to go play after a little while longer.

"I forgot to grab my gift to you on my way back from the kitchen, I'll be right back." Grabbing his husband's wrist before he could get too far away, he set the box of paper lotus flowers to the side.

"Why don't you take me to it? If only for me to walk around a bit." Watching as those mischievous green eyes practically sparkled, he found himself being helped up off the bed, a kiss being pressed to his lips as he stood.

"Of course, I'd take you anywhere. Happy Birthday, Yu." Kissing back briefly as both of his hands were taken, he felt the baby kick a few times before she settled again.

"Thank you Lavi."

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