Leo looked at Fudge as the two made eye contact, the latter sighing and turning to a woman in the crowd as she nodded. "Anyone in favour of convictions?" Leo looked around, shocked as half the crowd put their hands up, Dumbledore's hands falling off his hips as Leo hung his head down, upset. "Anyone in favour of the pressing of all charges." Leo didn't even look up as the other half of the crowd raised their hands, Dumbledore and Fudge making eye contact as silence fell over the group. "Leonardo Regulus Black," Leo looked up, seeing Fudge holding the small hammer above the desk. The boy sighed as he slouched more, Fudge continuing, "I hereby claim nor all rights pressed or convictions. As of now, you are on strict watch of the Ministry and one more slip up, we won't be so generous."

Leo groaned as Dumbledore turned to him, the crowd getting ready for the next hearing. "Oh God! " Leo exclaimed, Dumbledore walking to him. "Any more slip ups, and I'll be there to save you." He spoke simply, Leo watching him leave confused. The boy smiled at Mrs Figg before leaving, Harry's face dropping slightly the boy's expression, as did Arthur's. "How was it, then?" Harry asked Leo as he walked away from the hearings room, Arthur and Harry quickly following. "One more slip up and I'm probably in Azkaban." He spoke simply, Arthur's eyes widening as did Harry's as they both shouted...



Leo walked next to his Father, well Padfoot, as the Order walked through the train station, the dog barking loudly. Leo smiled and shook his head at his Father, Moody turning to the dog as it ran to him. "Padfoot! are you barking mad? You'll blow the entire operation?!" He harshly whispered, Leo smiling as Sirius continued to bark, Moody turning away with a huff. Leo ran after the dog as it sprinted down the stairs, going behind some translucent glass. "Dad, you can't do this right now. Changing suddenly- Oh God." Leo convered his eyes, his father laughing whilst he readjusted his dark green jacket, that being the only thing he was wearing. "I had to send my son off, didn't I? What kind of Father would I be then?" Sirius asked as the two sat down on the chairs next to each other.

"I don't want you to get chucked back in Azkaban." Leo spoke, Sirius chuckling. "Don't worry about me. I wanted you to have this..." Sirius trailed off, Leo looking down to see a picture. Leo's face scrunched up, taking the photo as Sirius turned to him, excited. He unfolded it with a grin to see a group of people, looking up at his dad confised. "Origional Order of the Phoenix." Sirius told Leo, the boy's face lighting up as it shot back down to the photo, Sirius smiling at his excitement. "Marlene McKinnon. She was killed two weeks after this was taken." Leo's shoulders slumped at this, Sirius patting his back. "Voldemort wiped out her entire family." Sirius continued, Leo looking up at him as he sighed. "Frank and Alice Longbottom." Sirius pointed to a couple as Leo's face dropped. "Neville's parents."

"They suffered a fate worse than death, if you ask me." Leo looked back up at Sirius, the two sharing a sad smile. "It's been 14 years and still a day doesn't go past that I don't miss James Potter. Harry's dad." Sirius pointed to him on the photo as they stood together proudly, Leo smiling with tears. "Is there actually going to be a war?" Leo asked, looking around the photo for his mother. "It feels like it did before." He spoke simply, Leo looking up at him and sighing. "What is it?" Sirius asked quickly, wrapping his arm around his son. "It's just that, at that place," Leo spoke, Sirius nodding quickly in understanding. "Voldemort told me that it was the start of a war and how I'd fight him personally." Leo spoke, Sirius' face dropping.

"I assure you, son, if you fight him personally, which you won't, I'll be right by your side if you do." Sirius spoke, Leo laughing slightly as did Sirius. "You keep that." Sirius spoke over the laughing, motioning to the picture. "Anyway, I suppose you're the young ones now." He spoke, leaning back as Leo smiled, looking back at the picture. "Show it to Harry, will you? He'd love to see both James and Lily." Sirius told the boy, Leo smiling and nodding before he jumped, the train whistle sounding. "Jumpy little thing, aren't you?" Sirius spoke, laughing as Leo swallowed hard, looking down as he shook his head. 'Mummy loves yo-' "Hey! Hey," Sirius started, pulling Leo back up as he sniffled. "Are you alright, son?" Sirius asked, Leo quick to nod and rip himself out of his father's grip.

𝑔𝑟𝑦𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑟, 𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙥𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora