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Leo hadn't left Hogwarts the next day, too worried for Ron as him, Harry, Ginny and Hermione stood near the boy's hospital bed. Ron had been there all night, Hermione sat the closest as Ginny sat on the other side. Harry stood next to Hermione, Leo stood at the foot of the boy's bed with his and in his jacket pockets. Everyone was silently watching Madame Pomfrey stroke Ron's head before Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape and Slughorn walk in hurriedly, Leo moving next to Ginny. "Quick thinking on your part, Harry, using a Bezoar." Dumbledore told the boy, turning to Slughorn. "You must be very proud of your student, Horace." The Headmaster spoke, Slughorn nodding. "Oh, yes, very proud." The man exclaimed, Leo nodding to him as he looked back to Ron.

"I think we agree, Potter's actions were heroic." McGonagall spoke up, Leo nodding as he kept his gaze on Ron. "The question is, why were they necessary?" The woman asked everyone, Leo looking back to the group. "Why, indeed?" Dumbledore agreed as he walked to Slughorn, the man handing him a tied up paper bottle of sorts. "This appears to be a gift, Horace." The man spoke, observing it. "You don't remember who gave you this bottle?" Dumbledore asked, Leo looking past Harry to the two men. "Which, by the way, possesses remarkably subtle hints of liquorice and cherry...." Dumbledore smelt the bottle as Leo rolled his eyes, wanting the man to hurry up and tell everyone. "When not polluted with poison." Dumbledore told Slughorn, Snape taking the bottle. "Actually, I had intended to give it as a gift myself." Slughorn told Dumbledore, Leo walking to Snape as he put his hand out for the bottle.

The man gave it to him hesitantly, Leo sniffing it as he quickly gave it back to the man, not liking the sharp smell. Snape took the bottle back, finding the whole interaction pointless as Leo stayed where he was, glaring at Slughorn slightly. "To whom, may I ask?" Dumbledore asked the man, him looking at the ground. "To you, Headmaster." Slughorn spoke, Leo's glare softening for a moment in shock. "Where is he?" Leo jumped and moved in between Snape and Slughorn when he saw Lavender running into the Hospital Wing. "Where's my WonWon? Has he been asking for me?" Leo glared at the girl when she shoved herself through him and Snape, the latter glaring too. Everyone stayed silent as Leo closed his eyes, trying not to laugh as Lavender stood ahead of him, out of breathe. "What's she doing here?" Lavender asked as Hermione looked away sassily, Leo raising one eyebrow.

"I might ask you the same question." Hermione spoke, standing up as Snape and Leo looked to one another, intrigued of what's happening. "I happen to be his girlfriend!" Lavender took a step forward, Leo snickering as the girl glared back at him. Leo surrendered, McGonagall smiling as Lavender turned back to Hermione. "I happen to be his...friend." Hermione's tone softened as Leo looked to Harry, motioning to Ron and Hermione. Harry just shrugged as the two looked back at the feud. "Don't make me laugh! You haven't spoken in weeks." Lavender shot back, Leo raising a hand. "I believe they spoke yesterday-" "Shut up!" Lavender shouted, turning to Leo for a brief second before looking back at Hermione, missing Snape holding Leo back. "I suppose you want to make up with him now that he's all interesting." Lavender told Hermione, the girl leaning forward. "He's been poisoned, you daft dimbo!" Hermione insulted, Leo clapping quietly over Lavender's head, Snape smacking his hands away.

The boy glared at Snape as the girl's payed no mind, still arguing. "And, for the record, I've always found him interesting." Hermione continued, Leo's eyebrows raising. Leo looked to Ron when he started coughing, Lavender doing the same. "Ah. See? He senses my presence." Lavender spoke smugly, missing Leo's glare as she leant on the boy's bed. "Don't worry WonWon. I'm here." Lavender told Ron, him muttering. Leo's head tilted as he watched Hermione sit back down and Lavender lean closer. "What's he saying?" Leo asked after Ron saying the same thing six times. "Hermione." The word became audible as Hermione blushed, looking down and holding Ron's hand. Now, everyone watched Lavender slowly walk backwards towards Leo, forgetting he was even there as she turned around, the two accidentally nose to nose. "Ew." Leo spoke aloud, leaning back as Lavender screamed in sadness, Leo yelping as she took a hold of the boy.

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