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(I kinda got carried away with the outfit...lol)

After Leo's horrible nights sleep, it was Bill and Fleur's wedding today at the Burrow. In the middle of the night, Leo heard both Ron and Harry leave but then come back later afterwards. The three didn't talk to one another but Harry did pat and rub Leo's shoulder in sympathy before they all went to sleep the night before. Leo had planned a matching suit with his Father for the wedding today, not really wanting to wear his now. He had the choice of wearing that suit or just chucking something together in the morning- "Leo? You up?" Ron asked gently, a hand on the boy's shoulder. Leo just groaned in response and turned around, revealing his puffy red eyes to Ron and Harry. "Sorry mate. At least there's food at the wedding, eh?" Ron tried to make the boy feel better, him scoffing with a small smile. "I guess... where's my Dad's suit?" Leo sat up quickly, Harry and Ron shrugging.

"I don't know. We woke up with it gone too." Harry answered, Leo sighing as he laid back down slowly. "We're going to set up the tent. Do you wanna stay here for a bit?" Ron asked, Leo nodding as he stared up at the ceiling. Harry and Ron left shortly afterwards, Leo sighing with a gulp. The boy looked to his door when he heard a small knock, squinting at it. "Hello?" Leo asked, hearing another knock on the other side. "It's me!" George called into the room, Leo opening the door quickly to reveal the boy with a bandage wrapped around his head. "What happened?" Leo asked quickly, not wanting to lose someone else. "Oh, got hit with a nasty curse. I'll be okay though. You, on the other hand need to get dressed." George brushed off, Leo raising his eyebrows at the boy. "Didn't you hear? There's a wedding today, idiot!" Leo was surprised at George's lack of sympathy for the boy, not that he wanted it anyway but like... his Dad just died and there's no sentiment?

"What are you staring at me for? Get dressed!" George chuckled, Leo chuckling too as he got up with a fake surrender and going to grab his suit. "Wanna watch or go?" Leo asked, holding the hem of his t-shirt as George's body glitched for a minute, him walking out if the room quickly. Leo just laughed, observing the suit in his arms. "You better wear that suit!" George exclaimed, Leo jumping before smiling and shrugging.

"Alright then..."


"How do I look?" Leo asked George as he walked out of his room. George only gawked at the boy, not caring about his weird sense in suits. He found them rather cool and different, unique but not a bad unique. The boy didn't wear a tie nor a shirt, instead, a turtleneck. Only white, don't worry! He's not that extravagant... Anyway, Leo wore the necklace Hermione gave him in first year, finding it in one of his drawers somewhere, the silver contrasting with the pure white but also juxtaposing the deep red blazer and trousers. In retrospect, Leo looked rich, like... biblically rich. After all of that, Leo just had to top it off with white boots he had found on one of his day trips around anywhere really. "Wow..." George let out, Leo taking the sides of his blazer and opening it with a grin. "That's heir money right there, George." Leo boasted, George hitting his shoulder.

"You have horrid morning breath, heir. Brush your teeth." George teased, Leo trudging away with his toothbrush already in hand. George just followed, laughing and patting Leo's head. "It was just a joke..." George let out, Leo nodding with a grin. "I know, a good joke." Leo complimented, missing George's blush as he set up his toothbrush before brushing his teeth. George did the same, the two in silence for two minutes until George decided to speak up whilst Leo was cleaning his toothbrush. "Hey, I can give myself an ear transplant." Leo looked up quickly, very confused before seeing George stick his toothbrush in his ear. "Cool, right?" George asked, posing with it as Leo just watched shocked and confused. "Say something!" George let out, Leo snickering and shaking his head. "Looks great." Leo spoke, patting George's shoulder before he walked to put his toothbrush away.

𝑔𝑟𝑦𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑟, 𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙥𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 Where stories live. Discover now